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Back at the auditorium of Sawa High on the same day of the entrance exams, all the students were sitting or wandering around the place. A few teachers sitting off to the side. Thats when from doors into the auditorium would come Mr.Nakayama and Mr.Miyuki. both wearing their casual clothes. They walked in and looked around the place. Noticing all the pale decorations and pasty themes of the place. Mr.Nakayama's senses all told him things he had seen before, only from one other person.

Nori Kibe.

The place was decorated like as if an AI was asked to describe the most plane of environments. The place had a dead and indifferent feeling to it. Where once before Nakayama had been laid flat from a gun shot and all he could think about, was the fullness of the place. Now it felt empty. Even with the people in it.

"Hey, you sure you want to be walking around? You just got out of the hospital a two days ago. You should be resting, and the last thing I need is your wife breathing down my neck." Mr.Miyuki said with a bit of a nervous voice. Yet Mr.Nakayama was more intrigued with something else. Up on the stage, he stared at one man. Shinjō Mizuki. Mr.Nakayama stared at him for a few more moments before he started walking around again, Mr.Miyuki looked at the man too before he followed Mr.Nakayama.

"What are you thinking Nakayama?" Mr.Miyuki asked as he rushed to keep up with him. Yet Mr.Nakayama's mind was too filled with thoughts and ideas. He couldn't speak. All he could do, is think.

"How can such a person exist? Can the world that created Kibe exist in our own?

Or am I to believe he was created with the rest of us. His capabilities are all far beyond what we ourselves can even conjure up. To understand him, to read him, to...get him. Has taken all my years of prowess, cunning and much more just to keep up. What else can I give?

The Machine has no motive, no personality and no contradiction. Its all just focus. All just endless aim, but what could it be towards...that answer I may never know.

What else can I do to catch someone who isn't really a someone. in the hell does one catch...

An idea?" Mr.Nakayama thought, he walked a few paces more before stopping. His eyes looked out of the few windows in the auditorium.

"I'm going to have to get in his head. Understand his mind. The only way to catch a man who is willing to sacrifice everything, anything and anyone. Is that I must be willing to do the same or at least appear so." Mr.Nakayama said as he looked to Mr.Miyuki. Thats when they would both hear a clasps of hands.

"Is that who I think it is?" Said a joyous voice, Mr.Miyuki and Nakayama looked to see it was Mizuki. He walked down from the stage with another man who walked away from him once they reached bottom of the stairs. Mr.Nakayama turned to Mizuki as the man walked towards them.

"How do you do gentlemen? Its a pleasure to finally meet you, I've heard that you've been investigating this school recently. Not only that, but that this school has seen some action that you're involved with.

I just want to say as the newest headmaster of this school. I will do everything I can to aid in the future of your cases and or current case." Mizuki said as he and Mr.Nakayama shook hands. "Glad to hear." Mr.Nakayama said. Mizuki nodded as he walked away to talk to the parents of some of the students. Mr.Miyuki walked next to Mr.Nakayama and leaned to him a bit.

Coded Law, Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now