Chapter 6

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Eda was sitting at the desk in her office, eating her lunch and going through her papers. She didn't have much time left of her break, and today she needed to finish earlier because Admiral Ozan called her to his office and ordered her to take the rest of the day off.

Eda knew what it was about. She was supposed to finish her training, and all that she had left was to complete her flight hours. She was allowed to postpone it due to her father's death, but she wouldn't be able to push it back any longer, and it was something that was making her nervous.

Eda bit her lips, trying to read a page in front of her, not to think too much about what was awaiting her in less than just an hour. She didn't fly since her father's funeral. She wasn't able to bring herself to pilot the plane, and she was afraid she could break down the moment she'd sit in the pilot's chair.

It all was still too fresh for her. It's been only three months, and only recently she started to process her grief.

What Eda was doing now wasn't helping her either because she was just reading all the documents she received from the insurance company and her father's lawyer about her inheritance. As much as she didn't want to look into this at all because it only was bringing her more pain and opening still-fresh wounds, she had to. She needed to make sure that all the assets of her fathers were secured and all the legal obligations were completed, so no one could contest her rights in the future.

She had an unpleasant feeling that the topic of her father's family money would not be dropped by her mother any time soon, so she had to be prepared well.

Eda sighed with irritation, turning the page of the file she got from the insurance company. She didn't understand why her father never removed her mother from the list of benefits, even if decades passed after their divorce. She should be getting nothing. She didn't deserve a dime after what she did to him and their family.

Eda loved her father with her whole heart and always looked up to him, but it was one thing she was angry at him about. How could he be so soft to her mother when she'd never shown him any respect?

Eda closed the file shut and tossed it into a drawer, slamming it with a little too much force than needed. She shook her head and checked the time. She had to leave now, or she would be late.

Eda locked the door and quickly left the building, turning toward Admiral Ozan's office, still immersed in her grim thoughts. In that mood, she wasn't looking for what was awaiting her even more than before, but she had no other choice. Rules were rules, and she had to comply, so she pulled her lips into a forced, polite smile and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" 

Eda entered inside to see Admiral Ozan sitting at his desk over piles of papers. He had her file open on top of one of the big stacks of documents. He looked up at her and smiled slightly.

"Eda, you need to register your flight hours. You will be in the hands of my best pilot." He said, and Eda had a pretty good idea who could have been that best pilot. Some annoying, handsome redhead, who haunted her dreams for the past weeks with his smug but pretty face and sexy body. 

She got lost in her fantasies for a second and didn't register what admiral was telling her, only when a throat clearing coming from her left side startled her, she spotted Serkan leaning on the wall with his arms crossed on his chest and smirking at her.

Eda blushed, silently thanking the heavens that Admiral Ozan was immersed in his papers and wasn't looking at her. At least, he didn't notice how stupidly she was behaving. She couldn't be so lucky about Serkan.

"I can take it from here." The object of her all thoughts said, keeping his cheeky smile on his face. He walked to the desk, took Eda's file, and showed her to go with him.

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