Chapter 2

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Eda was in a foul mood. She angrily looked at the phone in her hand and for a second considered if she shouldn't just throw it into the sea, but instead, she just shook her head, took a deep breath to calm her nerves down, and marched back from the beach toward her office. 

She had a job to do and couldn't fail with her obligations just the first day. She only hoped that the annoying, handsome asshole put back on her desk the reports she had to finish before tomorrow's exercises on the aircraft carrier, or she would have to go look for him and drag him back to her office, but this time not to act on any of her silly desires, but to actually give her the documents back. 

Eda sighed heavily on her way to the door that led to the building where her office was located. Where were they? At the military base or in the playground for overgrown kids? After what she witnessed yesterday and today she wasn't sure if it wasn't the latter.

Eda opened the door to the hall, pushing it with such force that she hit and almost knocked down a person on the other side, who was just trying to pull the door handle.

"Eda! What is with you?!" Ceren exclaimed, massaging her arm, which took most of the impact of the blow. "Were you trying to kill me or what?!"

"I'm sorry." She quickly apologized, genuinely embarrassed by her actions. "I didn't see you."

"Through the glass door?" The blonde raised her brows and tilted her head, observing her friend suspiciously. "You look like you are going to murder half of the company. Who pissed you off this time?"

"No one." Eda grumbled, drawing another suspicious look from Ceren, whose eyes fell on Eda's hand, which was clenching the phone so tightly that her knuckles turned white.

"You talked with your mother!" She exclaimed and crossed her arms on her chest while Eda's shoulders tensed as she assumed the defensive pose. "What had she told you this time?"

Eda sighed heavily, feeling ashamed and guilty as if she had done something wrong. She smiled bitterly, placing her hand on her forehead and rubbing it a bit, trying to soothe herself. When she answered, her voice wasn't angry or defensive anymore, just weak and miserable. "Ceren, it's enough I had to live through that conversation once. I don't want to even think about it, not to say repeat it."

"Ok, I get it." The expression on Ceren's face softened in a split second, and she nodded with understanding, putting her hand on her friend's arm and adding with a smile. "You know what we need?"


"Some entertainment. Let's meet at the bar after work and just talk, have some fun, and not think about anything unpleasant."

"I like that." Eda forced the corners of her lips into a smile. "Sorry, but I have to go if I want to have the afternoon free. I have a tone of work, and I'm already behind."

"See you later!" The blonde waved, going through the door while Eda nodded and went to her office.

She opened the door, and the moment she entered, she spotted a big pile of papers on her desk. She walked over to them and found a Post-it note stuck to the first folder at the top. She frowned, taking it into her hand, and read the message, which definitely wasn't Ferit's handwriting.

"I will be on time for the next appointment."

Eda snorted under her nose, but couldn't help a big smile that appeared on her lips. Somehow, this Post-it brightened her grim mood and even made her experience some warm feelings in her stomach.

Eda looked at the note, and instead of throwing it into the bin, what she would usually do in a situation like this, she opened a drawer and tossed it inside. She didn't know why she kept it but decided not to give too much thought to something so insignificant. She sat down at her desk, pulled the papers closer, and started to work, not even realizing that the unpleasant conversation with her mother was gone from her head.

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