Chapter 6 (Pt.2)

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||Vile Crown||
Chapter 6 (Pt.2): Lurking between the shadows.

Warning: a lot of POV changes

The Sunrise was the first thing Triton noticed. The sunlight blazing against his pale skin, making it seem like he was a part of the light itself. Likewise the view wasn't his main point of Visiting, This abandoned structure had banned everyone from stepping foot on it ever again. But Triton would be the first one to break one of Sol's rules and he wouldn't even care.

All he wanted were answers. That might've been some sort of "dream" but if his guts tells him otherwise, then it's official. he took out a small pocket knife out of his pocket and used it to cut the vines that were crawling up each pillar that was drawn to his way. It was annoying to come and think about it.

The part he only remembered from the dream was those pairs of Orange pupils and.. Neptune..

With seconds passing and time running, he was reminded of his first Priority. He looked out further at the building staring at the darkening path It was as if the endless path would remain unknown even if you kept moving forward, finding the remaining fragments of the forgotten memory in this mysterious plain. He then got inside and walked further and further, until he found himself a stone wall with words being engraved in it. Suddenly, a flash of light appeared before Triton, followed by words being written  shining on the stone wall..

'Where the Bright Celestial Orb Arises, it Thrives, Shining against the Depths of the coldest Region in Home. Rain of terror and fear rises, as the cruelty of it grows stronger.

Some protested, some played along

Those who Protested managed to hide, creating an army of their own and going against this madness. And for those who played along were used as puppets for it's own entertainment, losing their freedom in the process

In fear of losing the others,the protesters called two beings for them to decide whether to close its borders or let it continue. The two beings agreed and closed its borders, letting the used to be feared one to lose its power and fall onto their mercy.

Finding the none-existing hope it falls below, its remaining light fading in exchange for the cruel darkness that it made, never to be seen nor heard from ever again...'

His hand brushed against the stone, gliding against the letters. It made him wonder who this "it" was or who were the two beings that were eerily mentioned. The following questions came into mind

"Does this have to do anything with the being he dreamed before?"

his curiosity sparked making him crave for answers.

He decided to walk further off the coast, searching for more clues to complete this unfinished puzzle that was left for many years. Although everything seemed blurry to his vision, and his memory was fuzzy, he knew he needed to keep walking if he wanted answers, who knows? Maybe something will creep up behind him and-...


Kill him of course, But Unfortunately, his instincts weren't kicking in, and his guard was down. It was Stupid, and he knows it. But for some odd reason... this place felt...calm..and nostalgic, he can't point out why..this Place was Cold and Dark, possibly haunted by evil beings but even with all that in mind...he can't help but be relaxed.

He walked further and further off the dark and seemed to be an endless path, until he saw a small beam of light pierced through this dark void that he was currently in. With a certainty in mind, he decided to follow this light, Unknown for what's about to come.

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