Q/D (answered)

147 3 27

By: pirateelvrinda2

Miranda: Have you ever tried to poison someone?

Miranda: "I mean...I can try? But to answer your question..no, I didn't."

Ariel: What was your favorite outfit to model?

Ariel: "Oh I have many!! But to be honest I actually like the latest gown Saturn made."
Titan: Why do you like Jupiter more than Saturn

Titan: "... honestly, it's only because of his Selective team. They're understanding and less..drama, plus I get to get along well with Ganymede."

Triton: You should talk to someone you trust and tell them how you feel!

Triton: "..." *Sighs* "no. And before you come and ask why, it's because I know no one in the place except for the one's who disappeared, and as for Uranus, I can't. I'm sorry."

Calisto: "ahem."

Triton: "I'm not trusting bitches like you."

Calisto: "Rude."

No, Triton is not sexist, he just doesn't like people that are in Jupiters side. But does get along with Io in particular. Sometimes He talks with Cal...(Maybe a bit of flirting)

(This was also asked by WhatyougunnadoXD)

Phobos and Deimos: do you remember how you ended up in the woods?

*Phobos is sleeping*

Diemos: "...we were...well..it started with a bit of misunderstanding, I was trying to buy some bread for me and Phobos when the clerk suddenly called us thieves just when I was about to pay for it. And my home town was very religious so such a "sin" like that can...lead to execution...i-..I tried to apologize and explain the situation but they didn't listen! Our sister got involved and she brought us some time to escape..and...I.. i just can't believe I left the others behind!"

Mars: "shh..It's okay Deimos..it's not your fault.."

Diemos: "I know! I just...i- I..I had the chance to save them, but I was just-"

Mars: "hey, hey! Deimos..it's not your fault. Okay? You can't expect a 10 year old to save 2 people..what's important now is that you and
Phobos are safe.."

Diemos: "you're right..."

Luna: Insult Earth and tell us more about the crimes he had done!

Luna: Honestly, Im not in the mood to insult him, I'll probably do that later. But as for crimes...hmm...well let me just take a look at my list real quick.


"Yeah I ain't reading something that long."

Earth: "how dare you"

Luna: "shut up you failed negative fraction looking bitch."

Earth: "What the fu-"


By: skitskittlezzz

Uranus: Talk to Jupiter or Saturn about your Feelings

Uranus: "I guess I'll try..."

Uranus: *Trauma dumps*

Jupiter: "...it's okay Uran, those bullies are just confused admirers and I'm sure Neptune will come back!" Holy stars, this might be the most concerning thing I've ever heard... "Now how about us and Saturn go out for a walk."

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