Chapter 6 (Pt.1)

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||Vile Crown||
Chapter 6 (Pt.1): A fight against the unknown

(Triton's POV)

"I can recon you not to do that.." Io sighed, Feeling the exhaustion seeping over his body, his energy was completely drained out and yet he still managed to stay conscious. I, being beside him took a deep breath before hoisting The taller male onto his feet (correct me if I'm wrong), staring at the exhausted boy before me, I searched for any response that may be given to me but nothing came up, making it clear that Io really was tired...

Who can blame him? He had to help Jupiter with moving things around, Following every word The king spoke out, while taking care of the little ones.. I felt bad, for both not being there to help him and for not giving him a break, but I had things to do! I can't just leave the Western side defenseless, or at least that's what Uranus told me before disappearing into the darkness.

I carried Io onto my back, leading him to my room since his was 3 hallways away and I don't have that much strength to carry him there. Placing him down the bed, he let out a low groan. Worried, I sat down next to him and spoke.

(No one's POV)

"Are you okay, Io?"

The boy nodded, shifting his position to the side.. the response didn't brush Triton's worry off, instead it just increased.

Since when did i care about others so much?

He brushed the thought off and let Io get the rest he deserves. To pass through time, he just sat down next to the bed. Feeling reality slip out of his grasp





A painful ring rang through his ear, causing him to have a splitting headache. He ducked out of instincts and covered the sides of his head, trying to muffle it out for the sake of his eardrums
But unfortunately, His mind wasn't cooperating because it only made the ringing louder. Flash after Flash of Memory came through his head, some blurred, some of them felt real.. questions filled his mind further.

What are these..?

It's... vague...

A pair of Orange pupils stared back at him, an unsettling grin spread to it's face, causing Triton to back track. A pair of void like hands reached out to grab him but he immediately hoisted himself out of the way, it felt like he just avoided death himself! Or did he..?

The grinning figure leaped out of the shadows, more of those void like hands came out of its back, floating over Triton as if it was desperate to get him in it's grasp. Luckily, Triton was trained in these kind of situations.. actually, all of them are.

One by one, He avoided each and every move it let out. His eyes darted around, trying to find any signs of exit in this hellish place..

Whatever this thing was..It was something he shouldn't joke around about.

Without another thought, He leaped up in the air, just enough to avoid another dark void coming after him..

His instincts were right..

This thing was powerful. And it was beyond him.

Suddenly, a light blue glow appeared in front of him, a shield like material surrounded before them as each of the "hands" tried Punched and stabbed through it but with no avail. Triton lifted his gaze up the lighting figure, he tried to stand up, but the exhaustion catched up to him and his body fell limp onto the ground.

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