Chapter 8

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||Vile Crown||
Chapter 8: Meeting Others

(Triton's POV)

The sweet scent of rain flooded the long hallway as Familiar ticking sounds emitted above us, my eyes slowly opened and greeted upon consciousness as I realized that I accidentally slept. I turned to my side and saw Enceladus sleeping soundly next to me, I never realized how tired I actually was, if anything, I would've already passed out if we kept going.

I slowly stood up, feeling a bit woozy for sleeping too long. Rubbing my eyes I've noticed something above us,

It was a crack through the walls, it wasn't anything special but the thing that was dripping through was odd.. It was transparent like water but it didn't act like one, it was just..hanging instead of dropping. Likewise I decided to ignore this and turn to the shorter male below him.

"Hey En. Wake up."

Enceladus stirred from his sleep, mumbling things as he opened his eyes, realizing that he was previously unconscious, he got up from the wall, his eyes still heavy but did manage to stay open.

When we were finally ready, they continued on their journey further onto this "endless" hallway. There was nothing much to be seen, a few vines here and there, mossy rocks etc.
Sick of hearing the same flicking on the roof Enceladus decided to break the silence.

"Honestly Triton, are you actually doing this for Neppy or are you just bored?"

"Ofcourse I'm doing this for Neptune.. i-..." My words went silent before sighing and went on the way, I ignored Enceladus's question and continued to walk, with him trailing behind me. Honestly I was starting to doubt myself as well. What if that was just a dream like Enceladus told me? What if... Neptune really is gone..?

No, I shouldn't things like that, I told myself. I had to hold myself together for the sake of my sanity.

After a long time walking, we finally reached the end of this hallway. It wasn't really much, just some vines laying around lazily growing until they reach the very bottom of this old tiled floor. Everything wasn't out of the ordinary, it was actually just the same as the previous ones we passed by. But one caught my attention.

In the middle of everything, there was large body of water, a specific type of pool? Something about the water just..Made me feel something odd, I decided to ignore this for now and look around further more, with ofcourse, Enceladus still trailing behind me. 

(No one's POV)

Enceladus was fiddling with his fingers, unable to make the weird atmosphere go unnoticed. He then turned to Triton's figure.. "Hey Triton, don't you think we saw enough already?"

Triton being Triton, shook Enceladus's worry off and continued looking around for anything that may lead to something. But all he saw were symbols of words, none of them making any sense.

He cussed to himself, looking up the roof of this old room, he was almost in the brink of giving up, they had been looking around for almost a day now and they only thing they found was a useless pool and some unknown doodles of symbols! With anger seeping out of his skin he grabbed a rock, threatening to throw at the pool—

"Wait stop!"

Triton froze at his movements and turned to Enceladus, expecting him to be the one who have yelled but the other male just shrug, making him more confused. He dropped the rock and looked around the room to search where the sudden voice was.

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