Chapter 2

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||Vile Crown||
Chapter II: "Farewell, dear friend"

As Mars packed his stuff he heard a knock on the door

"Come in!" He shouted, hearing the door open and close again, he turned his head to see Venus.

He bowed down only for Venus to lift his chin with his finger. Mars smiled and held his hand, standing back up.

"You need something?"

Venus looks away and sighed.
"Do you really want to go? I mean I get it, Neptune's disappearance is a bit of worrisome..but who knows what's out there.."

Mars let go of his hand and chuckled, walking back to his closet, taking his clothes up, putting them in a separated bag.

"I'll be fine, Aphrodite." Venus eye twitches and grabs Mars' collar tightly.

"We talked about this, Ares."

Mars put his hand up, with a sly smirk. "I was just kidding, your highness."

Venus sighed, dropping the shorter male. "Whatever..."

"Just so you know..I'll be waiting."

" the tough prince softening up for me?"

"Shut's just... you're the only one who understood me.."

With a chuckle, Mars turned back at Venus, placing a hand on his hip.

"I can't possibly promise that I'll be back in one piece or coming back at all. But I'll try my best."

Venus shook his head, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't just "try" Mars. You have too. You're one of the best Generals next to mercury and the army would be in shambles without you."

Mars placed his hand on top of his "Like I said, I can't promise that."

"Fuck you.."

"Oh my, watch your language. That's not proper manners from a prince."

Usually, Venus would punch someone who teased him. But surprisingly he just chuckled and hugged him.

"Thank you for everything.."

Mars took a while to process this but smiled and hugged him back.

"You're welcome, your highness."

Venus then pulled away and just stood there. The silence hung between them as they stared at Eachother's eyes again... Venus Tilted his head, looking back at the guard's eyes.

"I've never noticed you had mismatched eyes, Ares.."

Mars flinched and looked away, blushing in embarrassment.. "oh this...? Haha..yeah, it's kind of a condition that I was born with.."

"What kind of condition?"

"Its called Heterochromia.."

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