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I paced up and down my living room, waiting for the clock to just strike six. Just two more minutes. I was growing more and more impatient by each passing second, yet I couldn’t do anything to speed time up.

Natasha entered the room, making me look at her. When my eyes met hers I sighed. She chuckled.

“Still waiting for your key?” she asked as she stood against the doorframe. I groaned. “Why don’t you just pick the lock?” she asked curiously.

I scoffed. “It’s a key card and it can’t be picked. That’s why I made it.”

Natasha laughed. “You’re quite a person Melion.”

A small smile grew on my lips as I looked at her. “You have never called me Melion before,” I said, making her smile back.

“I guess we’re passed the phase where I call you on your fake name, am I right?”

I giggled, before suddenly hearing the clock tick. I turned to the clock that hung on the wall, seeing the arrow hit six. A smile spread widely on him lips as I looked at Natasha.


I grabbed Natasha’s hand, suddenly pulling her with me down the hallway. At the exact time I stepped in front of the stairs, Bucky stepped on the last step. He sighed, seeing me more impatient than ever. He dug his hand into the back pocket of his jean, before pulling out my key card. Even before he lift it in front of me, I reached for it, but he pulled it away, making me groan.

“Don’t lock yourself in your lab, you hear me?”

I rolled my eyes. “Just give me the fucking key card, James!” I said jumpy, making him hand it to me at last.

Impatiently I rushed to the door of my lab. I swiped the card, before pushing the door open. Not far behind me were Natasha and Bucky. I dropped to the chair, before switching on my computer. I hurried to search through my scattered files, until I groaned.

Jumping off my seat, I rushed to a drawer, which in I plucked out a bunch of flash drives and hard drives. I couldn’t remember which one I used. Then my eyes fell onto one which had a silver S drawn onto it. I plucked the hard drive away from the others, before jumping back into my chair, rolling back to my computer. I plugged it in, before mentally hurrying it to load faster.

At last it loaded, and I clicked onto the disk. Scrolling through the files, I felt Natasha near behind me.

“What is this?” she asked, looking over my shoulder.

I glanced at her, biting down on my cheek. “Files from the hard drive,” I mumbled, hoping they didn’t hear me.

“What hard drive?” Bucky asked, his voice hovering with strictness. “Amber, what hard drive?”

“The SHIELD hard drive,” I bit, speaking a lot louder than a mumble.

“What?” he said, sounding mad.

I sighed, scrolling through the files. “I didn’t back up it all. I tried, but Steve needed it.”

“Why did you back-up the files?!” Bucky asked loudly, and I heard him take a few steps forward.

I sighed. “This hard drive has so much information on it; and maybe -just maybe- I can figure things out for myself. I can maybe find Ellen. Maybe I can figure out why they needed this drive in the first place. It’s- it’s maybe-”

Suddenly my computer screen went black, and everything switched off.

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