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After a while we turned right, allowing us to see the house. I took a deep breath, knowing we just set off an alert in the house, letting Emrys know that someone had arrived in a car. We parked just in front of the porch, where I jumped out first, rushing to the door.

Just before I touched the doorknob, the door flew open and Emrys stood with a gun in his hand.

“Whoa!” I yelled, stepping in front of Emrys.
Everyone behind me stood in shock but didn’t react.

“Put the god damn gun down, Emrys!” I yelled, snatching it out of his hands.

“Who are these people?” Emrys asked, glaring at Steve and the others.

“They’re my friends!” I yelled, placing my hands on his chest. “Please,” I said softer, seeing fury glow in his eyes.

“Where have you been? Three days, Melion! No calls, no texts. Your suit got deactivated and you went off the grid!” Emrys was mad, furious if I may add. “I went to the last location where you were active, and the place was in shreds. Your bike was alone, and you were nowhere to be found!”

He did warn me, but did I listen, no.

“Did they take you?” he asked, suddenly meeting my eyes.

“Yes, but they also saved me,” I said in defence, before he could make any accusations.

“Now, let them in, or I’ll kick you out.”

“I’m not letting them into this house. We were worried sick, and they took you!” Emrys said, frowning as he stared at me.

“We?” Steve whispered behind me, but I washed it out.

“Could you be any louder?” I asked furiously. “Someone is supposed to be asleep by now and all your yammering is going to wake his little ass up, now move out of the way and let me enter into my own god damn house.”

Emrys glared over my head. “I don’t trust them,” he said in a whisper.

“Well you have to, their part of my family.”

Emrys sighed, taking a step aside. I thanked him and entered, gesturing the others to follow. They did so, entering my cosy home, all earning unwanted glares from Emrys. They walked into the kitchen after me, looking around.

The house  was small, but yet big enough. They all gathered in the kitchen, and Emrys entered after locking the doors.

Carol and Natasha looked around at photos on the walls. Slowly Natasha focused on a photo, her eyes suddenly frozen on it. As she tried understanding what she was looking at, Bucky and Samuel sat down at the table, while Steve looked as Emrys walked over to me, leaning against the counter next to me.

Natasha knew I was pregnant before I ran off. She called me about the positive test when Steve and I sat in the park eating ice cream. She must’ve forgotten or thought something had happened to the baby.

“Amber,” Natasha said, turning to me. “Who is-”

“Mommy!” a high pitch voice said, running towards me.

Suddenly everyone looked at the blond, blue-eyed, four-year-old run my way. I turned to him, a smile spreading on my lips.

“Baby?” I asked with a giggle.

Emrys turned around, noticing who I was talking to. I crunched down, opening my arms as he came flying into them, throwing his arms around my neck.

With wide eyes everyone looked at me lift Dean up to sit around my waist, smiling at me with his snowy teeth. Everyone was shocked, exchanging looks from one another, before all their eyes moved to Steve. He looked more shocked than any of them, his eyes on the boy in my arms.

“Mommy where were you?” he asked, suddenly growing a pout.

I smiled, moving his golden curls out of his face.

“Oh, I had to do some work and got caught up. But I’m home now.”

With a giggle Dean buried his head in my neck, peaking in front of him at the others in the room. 

“Don’t worry, they’re with mum. They’re my friends,” I whispered, looking down at him. “Come on, let’s get you to bed now.”

With one final glance at the others, I saw them all look at me with shock, misunderstanding and confusion. They were lost, suddenly understanding what I meant in the car by ‘I have changed’. Steve looked more struck by this than the others. I mean, Dean was a spitting image of him.

After looking away, I walked out of the kitchen with Dean around my waist while walking up the stairs. I took him to his bed, laying his sleepy body down in bed, covering him up in a blanket. Gently I caressed his head, smiling. Oh how I missed my baby boy.

“Mommy,” he whispered, grabbing my attention. “Can you sing me a song please?” His sleepy eyes held me captive, making it impossible to resist.

“What do you want me to sing for you?” I asked, smiling at him.

He sighed with tiredness. “I like that song with the guy who is the lover man!” he said, sounding a bit cheerfully.

I smiled softly. “Sure sweety,” I whispered, still stroking his golden curls. 

🎶I’m headed straight for the floor~ The alcohol’s served it’s tour~ And it’s headed straight for my skin~ Leaving me daft and dim~ I’ve got this shake in my leg~ Shaking the thoughts from my head~ But who put these waves in the door?~ I’m cracking out~ I pour~

I smiled, taking a soft deep breath, knowing Dean has just already fallen asleep. I knew the others could hear my voice.

🎶I’m Mr. Loverman~ And I miss my lover, man~ I’m Mr. Loverman~ Oh, and I miss my lover~

I gave him a kiss on his forehead, whispering, “I love you.” I walked out of his bedroom, switching off his light and closing his door, making sure I closed properly.

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