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Sighing, I looked in front of me, seeing Bucky still seated, clearly thinking. I still felt high, but what I knew from this serum, one quick nap and it would wear off quickly and I’d be myself again. I laid back on the medical bed, looking up at the ceiling.

“What you thinking about?” I asked Bucky, turning my head to him.

He sighed, meeting my eyes. “I didn’t want to be part of what happened five years ago,” he said, rubbing his two hands together.
I scoffed.

“Amber, please believe me. I had no choice but to. If we didn’t give you guys to them willingly, they’d arrest us all and ban the Avengers from ever working again-”

“They wanted to use Wanda and I as weapons,” I interrupted while pushing myself to sit up again.

Confused Bucky looked at me, not knowing what I meant, nor wat to say.

“Baron got someone in the government to snoop around. They never cared about my safety. Or Wanda’s. They wanted to use us as weapons against other countries. It’s not like our government is close to caring. They are foul creatures.”

Bucky sighed, looking down. “All we were told was that you two were dangerous and the only way to contain you was to-”

“Lock us up in cages?” I questioned, looking at him visibly sigh. “Is Wanda still gone?” I asked, bringing my hands to my lap.

Bucky nodded. “We don’t know where she or Vision are. We can’t find Jarvis anywhere on any satellite. He might be dead or-”

“Vision is alive. Both of them are.” I looked down at my hands, not trying to be overly honest. “They’re both safe.”

I heard Bucky stand up, walking closer to me. I gently looked at him, seeing him walk until he was right next to me.

“Do you really love Steve?” he asked, placing his right hand on my cheek, stroking his thumb up and down.

Gently I placed my hand on his, pulling his hand away from my face. “I do.”

“Are you in love with Steve?” he asked, his eyes desperate for an answer.

I stayed quiet, knowing I would not be able to lie again when I opened my mouth. Looking away from me, Bucky pulled his hand away from mine and took a few steps back, towards the door. He sighed.

“I’ll see you around I guess,” he said softly while walking to the door.

“James,” I called, forcing him to turn around. “I-”

“I know you’re sorry,” he interrupted, giving a soft smile, which I knew was fake.

I took a deep breath. “Yeah,” I whispered, feeling something off inside of me. I could tell I was lying, but how I did not know. “Are you okay?” I asked, meeting his icy eyes.

He gave a soft smile, nodding his head, before vanishing off out the door.

Laying back down on the medical bed I closed my eyes, suddenly dozing off faster than ever before. Gosh what dosage did they give me? It made me so tired.

That’s when it all hit me again. The sheets. The curtains. The madness of finding the person behind the heat. Who was it?!

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