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Natasha and Wanda both tried acting sober, and to be honest, so did I. I kept a hold on something as I walked into the compound, and Bucky couldn't help but laugh. I almost tripped, about five times. Eventually I found my way to the meeting room, where everyone sat, immediately looking at Bucky and I enter. I smiled, sitting down in between Wanda and Natasha. They both giggled, looking at me.

"Well, thanks for joining us," Tony said, glancing at me. "Now. Strange called us, telling us about a black and green Asgardian roaming earth again. And as most of us know, it's Loki. I let Thor know to come and help us find and capture him again, but that won't be enough for just him. All of us have to be on board."

I giggled, leaning closer to Natasha and Wanda. "Here's a joke: Why do the men need us here?" I asked in a softish whisper.

Wanda giggled. "Why?" Wanda asked, looking at me.

I snorted. "Because men need a woman's help to stop a god."

Suddenly the three of us broke out in laughter, but all we got in response from the men were eye rolls. The men were exchanging looks, all looking unworried.

"Okay then," Tony said, clearing his throat.

Suddenly I sat up straight, trying to plaster a serious look on my face. Next to me, I grabbed Nat and Wanda's legs. Both of them straightened up their backs and stopped laughing.

"Loki is dangerous, and for these who haven't delt with him," his eyes fell on me, "he is not to be messed with. We've already mapped out a plan to capture him, and everyone will have to be on high alert for when that day comes. The only problem is-"

I stuck my hand up, causing Tony's eyes to fall on me.

"Yes, Amber. you will be staying here, watching on the cameras and informing us about our blind sights-"

"I still think she should join us," Natasha interrupted Tony, just as I lowered my hand.

I started giggling. "No way Hosay. I'm staying put." I pouted as I dug my hands into my lap.

Steve laughed. "This girl won't budge Nat. Amber is persistent on staying out of fighting. We can't force her into fighting. She can stay in the office and-"

My eyes met Bucky's, seeing him stare at Steve, before looking at me. "She's capable of making her own choices," Bucky said with his voice filled with jealousy.

I chuckled. "Aww, two hotties fighting over me?" I questioned with a smirk.

"Hotties?" Clint questioned concerned as he turned around, facing me. I smirked, shrugging.

"Back to the matter at hand," Tony said, rolling his eyes. "I need us all to be on alert. Be practiced and be ready."

I scoffed, grabbing his attention again. "You dragged me out of sex for this?"

Tony's eyes widened. "You were having sex?" he asked surprised.

I raised an eyebrow. "Surprise, surprise, I'm sexually active."

Bucky and Steve both chuckled lightly, before looking at each other with bright, surprised eyes. I giggled, shaking my head.

"You now, I don't care. You three," Tony pointed to Nat, Wanda and I, "need to sober the fuck up!"

"Language," Steve mumbled, causing Toy to glare at him.

I scoffed. "We're not drunk!" I said, rolling my eyes playfully.

Clint turned around, facing us again. "Really?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow. "You're sitting on the ground, holding hands while randomly bursting out in giggles. You weren't whispering, you were talking out loud. You, Amber, are talking about your sex life when you haven't even opened up to us about your personal life. Wanda and Nat both came in here earlier, asking why they were walking down the aisle towards an altar. Wanda didn't let go of Sam's arm until he helped her sit. We saw Bucky carry you into the building Amber, and you all smell of wine and vodka."

My eyes were wide before I looked at Wanda. "They made us," I 'whispered' out loud. I turned to Natasha. "We have to run!"

I grabbed their hands before jumping up, dragging them with me out of the room. With wide eyes the men watched us run out into the compound, before running wild into the yards. Only then they realized we had split. Suddenly Steve, Buck, Clint, and Samuel jumped up, chasing after us.

The next thing I remember was getting carried back into the compound in Steve's arms. He was laughing as I turned my head, noticing Wanda walking in front of Samuel, looking like she was getting arrested. Natasha was somehow already inside, passed out on a chair. I lightly exchanged looks from Steve and Bucky who had somehow started arguing, before blacking out, also passing out.

SunflowerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora