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He started slowing down, eventually stopping. I felt him climb off of his bike, keeping his hand on mine, to help me stay steady. He then gently helped me off the bike. He let go of my hand for merely a few seconds, giving my body enough reason to want to collapse of dizziness. I stumbled backwards, almost dropping to the floor. Quickly Bucky grabbed my hand, keeping me standing.

"Sorry," I mumbled, trying to keep my balance. "There were just way too many turns, and I got a headrush," I said, making Bucky giggle.

"It's okay," he whispered, slowly letting go of my hand again.

I managed to stay still as he unclipped and removed my helmet. I felt fresh air blow onto my cheeks, helping me take deep breaths. There were a few seconds of silence. I didn't hear or feel Bucky. I stood still and frozen. Suddenly I felt his soft lips gently touch mine. He slowly pulled away, letting his warm breath flow over my lips.

"You ready?" he asked, moving to stand behind me.

He slowly started to unknot the back of the blindfold, while bending to my ear. He softly brought his cold lips to my ear, his deep voice whispering,

"The bright light might give you a headache, but you'll feel better soon." His deep soft whisper made me give out a deep breath. My body went numb, almost causing me to collapse.

He loosened the blindfold, but I kept my eyes closed. The brightness made me close my eyes tighter, taking a step back. I stepped back into Bucky's arms, who wrapped them around me. I slowly opened my eyes, still adjusting to the light. When it all cleared out, I saw a big blue and white sign, reading 'ICE RINK, skate your fears away' I smiled and turned to Bucky.

"Nice and cheesy," I joked, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Well..." he said, looking down at me. "I know it's a weird first date, but I had no idea what to do for a first date," he smiled.

"With the amount of romance books I have read, it's usually a fancy dinner. But I like cheesy," I smiled, looking at his lips.

Bucky looked at the Ice rink, then back at me. "I had really no idea where to take you, and I also have no idea if you can skate."

"Not at all." I laughed, looking at his breath-taking smile.

"Well then you'll found out how" he laughed, letting go around me.

I also let go and took his hand. He pulled me into the ice rink, the air suddenly changing from warmish to ice cold. We went up to the front desk and paid our tickets. We trampled over to the station, where we got our shoes. We sat down near the gates and switched our shoes.

He saw me shiver, so in one swift movement, he swung his jacket over my shoulders, earning a sweet and soft kiss.

Bucky had no trouble standing up. I, in the other hand, almost collapsed. Bucky helped me stand and walked with me onto the ice. I walked against the side, trying my best not to stumble over.

"You're doing great," Bucky said, holding my left hand.

I looked at him and gave a sarcastic smile. "I suck at this," I said, looking back down at my feet.

"Don't say that," Bucky said, holding my hand tighter. He looked at my struggling face and smiled. "Here..." he said, suddenly taking my other hand off the railing.

I looked up at him, concerned for my own safety. "Uh, James?" I said, my voice trembling with fear.

"It's okay," he said, keeping eye contact with me. I looked down at his feet and mine. I started taking deep breaths, struggling to concentrate. "Look at me..." Bucky said, making me look up. "Just look at my eyes..." he smiled, continuing to move backwards. I kept my eyes on him, keeping my balance. "There you go love," he said, moving a bit faster. "Now, just stay with me," he said. He kept his left hand in my right but let the other go. He moved to my right, holding my hand as I skated. He looked at my progress, smiling. "You're a fast learner love," he said, swaying with me around the rink.

I smiled, looking at him. "Well, if you can't learn fast, you don't get anywhere." I laughed.

"So I can let go of your hand?" he asked tauntingly.

"No!" I responded quickly, grasping tighter on his hand.

He laughed, continuing to sway around in circles. People were all skating around, mostly couples. There was this old couple who I loved. They were skating on the side, holding hands. They looked like they were in love, laughing a lot. They helped each other to keep balance. They looked so cute. After a while, Bucky somehow decided to be an idiot. He looked at me and smiled.

"You ready?" he asked with a dangerous voice.

"For what?" I asked confused. He just smiled and let go of my hand, after pulling me hard to go speeding. "James? No!" I panicked as he started skating off. "James, please come back!" I begged, looking at his smug smile.

"Come to me," he said, opening his arms.

I looked down at my feet, noticing I wasn't stopping. "James?" I said, looking up at him. "How do I stop?" I asked, panic shooting into my body.

He smiled, moving aside. "Just slowdown-" he said, giving a slight chuckle.

"How?" I yelled, noticing I wasn't slowing down. I was heading straight for the barrier, with no brakes. "James?" I called, being merely seconds away from hitting the wall.

"Oh shit..." Bucky yelled, noticing my failed braking.

He skated over to me, but he was too late. I had already dug head over barrier, flipping over my stomach. I fell on my back behind the barrier. I grunted on the ground, seeing Bucky's head pop over the barrier, looking at me with fear.

"Bitch!" I mumbled, resting my head back against the floor. Bucky jumped over the barrier, helping me up. I groaned over the pain on my stomach. He put me down on a seat, looking quite worried.

"Are you okay?" he asked, squatting in front of me. I looked down at him, glaring at his stupid question. "Right..." he said, looking at my stomach. "May I?" he asked, pointing at my hand on my stomach.

I looked down, before removing my hand. "Sure," I said, before grunting.

He slowly lifted my shirt, seeing a red mark, which slowly started turning blue. He sighed, looking back up at me. "I think we should go home," he said, giving me a slight concerned look.

"I'm okay," I said, pushing my shirt back down.

Bucky frowned. "A minute ago I asked you that and you gave me a 'fuck you' kind of look," he said, giving out a slight chuckle. I laughed, while standing up. Suddenly I felt the pain on my stomach again, and fell back down, into Bucky's arms. "Yeah- no Doll, we are going home," he laughed while pulling my arm over his shoulder. He walked to the station, past our stuff. He picked it up and stuck it into his leather jacket, before reaching the station. We handed in the skates and put back on our shoes.

We got back to his bike, where it was painful for me to get back on. I grabbed tightly around his torso, washing the pain on my stomach out. Every time I moved my torso, it was like someone punching me in my stomach repeatedly. It was fucking painful. I managed to smooth it out when I rested my head against his shoulder. The position was just right. We drove for a while, before reaching the hotel.

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