epilogue | 2nd bonus chapter

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The meaning of bliss means — perfect happiness.

One could say that was exactly what Reece and I were experiencing. Pure , unmatchable joy. There's so much I could share about our history, about our love, about how amazing he is— but the peace which radiates within us and within our home , brings me nothing but bliss.

Despite the obstacles that flood our way,  we have been married for 4 whole years. Time had gone by faster than lightning. It just kept ticking and we just kept growing as a couple. His business flourished and I had opened up a little café of my own, which ofcourse — my mother and theo helped run. Speaking of theo, he was planning for his wedding in the next 4 months. Reece  and I couldn't be more happy for him. We had gone from friends to family.

I lift my gaze to the clock ,ticking above the fireplace. I had been feeling miserable for the past week, so I had taken the day off to rest, but here I was — knitting a scarf out of boredom. Reece went to the mall and insisted I stay put ,because he refused to take me out when I was sick. I told him we should get a dog — maybe then I wouldn't be so bored. With a heavy sigh, I reach for my phone when the sound of the front door shutting echoed through the hallway.

"We're home", Reece  chimed and I got to my feet just in time to welcome my tiny angel. "Mama" , she beamed with bright eyes as I crouch down and embrace her. "Hi baby", I kiss her rosy cheek as she waved around her new toy. "My love ", Reece  appeared, giving my head a kiss as I stood with Leila in my arms.

Did I forget to mention we have a 2 year old daughter? Our very own baby girl. Honestly, I didn't think it was possible after having one of my tubes removed and the other was under treatment for two years — the sudden pregnancy had shocked us all. It was risky and I could have died but I'm glad we are here — healthy and safe. Leila Kim is the most precious person in my life. She's sweet and looks just like her daddy.

"You were supposed to be resting ", he sighed as I put Leila on her feet , she scurried away and fell onto the rug to play. "I was. I just thought I'd keep myself busy until you both came home", I drape my arms around his neck as he leaned forward to kiss my cheek. "Should I prepare supper tonight?", he mumbled against my shoulder. "No, I told you I'd do it. Besides, I got a surprise for you after we put Leila to bed", I smile as his face lights up. "Planning on getting freaky?", he wiggled his brows. I was quick to push him away and playfully swat his arm. "Don't be disgusting infront of the baby ", I scold. "She doesn't understand ", he grumbled as I walked out of the living room. I don't blame him for wanting to have a night alone. We last had sex 2 weeks ago— in an uncomfortable situation...

"Why are you fussing? We went on a date, like I promised ", she point out as they sat in the car , parked outside her mothers home.She had been a sweetheart and taken care of Leila while they went out for supper and a movie. "Why couldn't you ask her to keep the baby for the whole night?", he pout . "Reece Alexander! That is your daughter ", ana chuckled as he smiled.

"I love her, but we don't get much time alone", he reached out to stroke her cheek. "I'm sorry my dear husband . We will work on that", she sighed. "It's not your fault, baby", he skimmed his thumb across her lips. "If I asked you to climb onto my lap and allow me to fuck you senseless, what would you say?", he whispered. Anastasia had to blink several times before digesting his absurd question. "Are you hesitating?", he smirked. Instead of answering, she shift and climb over the gears , straddling his lap. "That's my good girl", he breathed. "Be quick", she shyly mumbled before capturing his lips. He wasted no time in snaking his tongue into her parted mouth, fighting with hers for dominance.

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