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Flashback continued

Spending time together had become a norm. After school , during breaks , weekends. Every chance they had , they would be caught together.

Anastasia lacked nothing anymore and Reece was head over heels for a teenager. There were times when he'd want to call it quits or create boundaries but every time he'd see her , his mind would become fogged. He couldn't shake her off and he didn't wish too.

Thames Highschool
14 : 23 pm

"I guess time zones are sorta creepy ", he joked and the class laughed. "Jet lagged is the worst ", Heather groaned and the rest agreed. "Mr Alexander", Amy's hand shot up and Reece gestured for her to speak.

"My parents are having a party this Friday. Care to join?", she wiggled her brows. "Mr Alexander already has a girlfriend-", another girl nagged , clearly annoyed that Amy was always trying to flirt. "Right sir?", one of the boys seeked an answer. Reece's eyes shift to Anastasia, who was staring down at her notebook, pen between her teeth.

"Yes , I'm seeing someone-", her eyes lift to find his but be quickly diverted to Amy. "But I'll be happy to show up-". He was glad to see Amy clap and be excited.
"Okay - assignments are due before the weekend, so please hand them in soon. No homework from me-", he gathered some files and placed them into a drawer.

"Please don't be late tomorrow. Bus leaves at 8am". Mrs Harris had organized a class trip to the museum. "Carry necessary items only ", he said as the bell sounded. "See you tomorrow sir -", one of the boys waved as they all poured out of the class. Ofcourse Anastasia was taking her own sweet time gathering her belongings.

"Pretty girl , you good?", he asked while cleaning the blackboard. "I have a headache-", she muttered. "Again?", he dust his hands as she strolled to where he should. "Yeah, it feels like someone's hammering my skull", she point to her head like a toddler. "Want me to drive you home? I'll buy you painkillers-", he reached out , rubbing her forehead. "Can I come home with you? Maybe take a nap -". Right now , being home wasn't the best idea.

Her sister had come home to take more clothes and her parents are refusing to let her leave the house , so everything's a mess and she wouldn't get any rest.

"Sure. Just let me grab my things", he smiled.

"Okay-", she steps back just in time. Ms Brown appears , knocking on the door. "Victoria-", Reece greet. "Mr Alexander", she smiled and entered the classroom. She was Anastasia's history teacher. "Haven't seen you during lunch break recently. Kids say you're just caught up with work", she crossed her arms over her chest. Smile never fading. She had the most beautiful raven curls, green eyes and pale freckled skin.

Reece gives a forced chuckle, scratching the back of his head. During breaks he was with Anastasia, either eating lunch together or making out in his car.

"Yeah , work keeps my schedule tight", his gaze shift to Anastasia for a second. "So how about that coffee date? I know you asked and it was wrong to just keep you waiting but I'm free now", she gave a toothy smile.

Anastasia's headache worsened at the mention of a 'date'. Her eyes on Reece while his cheeks visibly flushed rosy. "Ms Cora?", her eyes bolt to Ms Brown who was smiling at her. "Do you need something?", she asked and Anastasia gave a quick nod. "Just wanted my file-" , she picked up a random one from his desk. "I'll see you both tomorrow ", if she forced her smile anymore, she was going to cry.

Why did she ever believe a man would keep a teenager around forever? He was gorgeous and needed a woman to be with...not some school girl who's life was a wreck.

"Get home safe " , Ms Brown smiled. "Enjoy your date-", her voice trailed. Ms Brown giggled shyly and nod. "Anastasia, you can wait for a minute, we still have that assignment to discuss ", Reece raised a brow , trying to hint for her to wait for him but Anastasia shook her head. "I don't need help anymore, thank you", she turned to the door but Ms Brown stopped her , "You look beautiful. I don't have what inspired this change but jeans look divine on you- " , her compliment made Anastasia glance at Reece before smiling at Ms Brown and walking out.

"So should I wait for you outside?", she stared at Reece who was packing his bag. "Ms Brown , that coffee date was 2 weeks back" , his tone agitated. "Yes I know -", her smile slowly fading. "I'm seeing someone now. I'm sorry for the inconvenience-", he gave a smile, lifting his bag and leaving.

15 : 21 pm

The ruckus filled her ear- penetrating her already pounding head. Her mother's voice echoing and bouncing off the walls while her sister screamed right back.

Their father was probably at work.

"You do not question my authority, young lady! I am your mother -".

"Well! You cheated on dad ! If I'm a whore then you're a bigger one -".

The slap that resounded made Anastasia pinch the bridge of her nose while heading up to her bedroom. She had allowed Reece to suck her up into a perfect world which just didn't exist.

Throwing aside her bag - she climbed into bed, plugging in her earphones and blasting her music. Despite the sound making her headache worse - if it drowned out the argument between her mother and sister- she couldn't care less.

Thames Highschool
08 : 22 am

The bus was filled with chatter and music as they traveled to the museum.

Leaning back in the seat - Reece stared outside, feeling like an ass for what happened yesterday. Anastasia didn't show up today because she was probably hurt . It wasn't what she thought though. He had asked Ms Brown the day he went to the club. The day he chose to start something with Anastasia, who captivated him.

She hadn't answered his phone calls ,neither his texts.

He truly did have feelings for her. She had become an integral part of his life.


"Why aren't you at school?", her mother asked the second she entered the kitchen. "I don't feel well. A headache-", she explained, going to the fridge. "Don't tell me you need money to go to the doctor. You'll probably squander that with your friends-". Her assumptions always pissed Anastasia off. Unlike her - her friends actually had lives. They were currently on a trip to the museum. Why would she have went when Reece and Ms Brown were both accompanying the students.

She did not wish to see them cuddled up together or following each other around like puppies. The thought alone made her sick to the stomach. He had wasted her 2 weeks.

"Aren't you having breakfast?", her mother nagged as she paced to the exit. "I'm not hungry -", she mumbled. Totally ignoring her presence, she was shoved aside by her sister who marched in. "I'm leaving. Frederick is here to fetch me", she threw her full blown attitude at their mother.

"I said no. Tell him to leave or I will call the cops for trespassing", their mother threatened. "Abby - stop", Anastasia spoke up. "This does not involve you. When adults speak, kids should shut up", she lashed out. "Abigail! Do not speak to your sister in that tone-", their mother defended .

Anastasia rubbed her aching head and went back to her bedroom. Those two would be the death of each other. Abigail was using their mothers sin to get her way. Being with a married man was extremely disgusting.

But - Anastasia will stay out. She had her own sorrow to wallow in.

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