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Conference room 4

Pen between my teeth. Notebook clutched against my chest. My eyes remained on him seated at the glass table. Sure he was paying attention to Mr Taylor but those ocean eyes were on me. What was he doing here? I specifically asked Bridget that dumb fuck if it were private airlines. She said NO.

His lips curl into a slight smile and I know he was enjoying this. He didn't expect to see me but here we were. Meeting again. Fate? Destiny? What the fuck was the universe throwing at me again? I stayed away from him! I divorced him. He was supposed to stay far away from me. To be fair- I was gawking. The man didn't look a day older than 24. Yet he was 31. Still that gorgeous man . His hair was longer. That's the only thing that changed. Hair length.

He raised a brow and I furrow mine. I had run out of the elevator earlier. I couldn't be alone with him. He would make conversation and I honestly needed to steer clear. Reece Alexander was problematic. Whenever we got together, trouble arises. He is the reason for my heart palpitations! For my jittery nerves and the eerie feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I know it's because of him.


"I'm just glad you found the time in your busy schedule to help me kick off this project ".

James Taylor and Reece had met a few years back at a museum auction. Ever since then- the two business men kept in contact and became good friends. Reece had come ,not to become a partner but to help the man plan for the next few busy days. This project was important to James and he had begged Reece to assist .

"I gotta admit , it's chilly ", Reece sucked in a breath as the breeze blew through his slacks and shirt. "Maybe wear comfortable and warm clothes the next time we come out", James teased. "You didn't say we were coming down to the beach", Reece countered, rubbing his palms together. "This it-", he stepped up to the Sealake restaurant- grabbing the silver bar handle to push it open.

At this point - Anastasia had turned away from Theo and her supper. The eerie feeling was nothing like she thought. But - infact - she could sense Reece was close. A piece of her belonged to him.

"No - this one", James pointed to the steak house. "Perfect! I thought I'd have to eat cold fish whilst shivering ", he released the handle and stepped aside , allowing a young couple to pass and enter the Sealake restaurant. "I know how you enjoy your meat", James threw an arm around Reece and lead him to one of his top 5 restaurants.

Anastasia snapped out of her dazed thoughts and turned back to the things that were keeping her sane in this insane world.

Bunny and food.

End of flashback

"7 are checking into the hotels that we have organized-", he handed me the sheet of names. "3 have made own accommodation arrangements -", I give a nod , my gaze shifting to Reece who was speaking with Bridget.

"Mr Alexander has made his own arrangements ".

"Sir , I thought this partnership was for economic flights only -", I turn my attention to Mr Taylor who smiled , shaking his head. "Mr Alexander is here for me. To help us prepare for the busy week ahead. He's not here for the cuisine project ", he placed a hand on my shoulder . "Good job today. I was really proud of -", his voice fades. My eyes bouncing to Reece who was watching Mr Taylor yap. "To be honest -", his voice returned to my ears and I lift my eyes to meet his. "I personally feel you'd make a better personal assistant. Bridget is alittle-", is scrunched his nose and I furrow my brows - "unprofessional ", he chuckled and I know he was only saying this , not to cover their sex life but because he truly had nothing for her. He was with Avery.

"She'll learn", I step back and his hand dropped to his side. "Years of practice awaits", he smiled and I nod. "So ? Do you want me to escort these 7? Or will you have someone else ?", he brought up a hand , swiping it through his blonde hair. "I'll get Seth from marketing".

"Okay sir. Is that all you need from me?", he hummed and I was glad I got to leave. "Today went well-", I flinch hearing his voice . His hand squeezing Mr Taylor's shoulder. "Yes , I was just telling Ms Cora. By the way , Anastasia- this is Mr Alexander and this is Ms Cora, my secretary who handled arrangements for today", he smiled like a proud father.

"Ms Cora ", Reece held out a hand and I curse myself for extending mine ,placing it in his. "Well done on the excellence. You most probably had an excellent teacher who taught you the concept of professionalism ", the smile that graced his face made me want to roll my eyes so hard , I'd go blind. "No , I already had professionalism. No one taught me anything ", I give a sarcastic smile and he squeezed my hand , making me gasp softly.

"Anastasia I was hoping maybe -", his eyes bounced between me and Reece as we let go of hands. "Maybe you could accommodate Mr Alexander", he cleared his throat and my eyes widen at his request. Reece on the other hand just held that smile. "Mr Taylor? I'm- I don't think I can-", I was being honest. I couldn't keep my ex husband with me when the man I adored would spend nights at my place. It was wrong on every level.

"I just thought he'd be more comfortable with a trusted staff", he was trying to persuade me with kind words ! "Mr Taylor - I'd have to discuss this with -", I shift my gaze to Reece, his lips no longer carrying a smile. He had definitely caught on that I was currently dating someone else. "Oh yes , I'm sorry . I had forgotten. Yes , discuss things with your boyfriend ", Mr Taylor pat my shoulder. "I will. You two have a good afternoon ", I cling to my bag and walk away from them. I was in such a mess again.

Just when I thought I had life figured out.

Unfortunately- I guess , no one really has life figured out. No one is ever prepared for such obstacles. It's like you see the road ahead - but you don't ever see what's around the bend. We turn without the knowledge of what's coming our way.

"Lover -", my feet halt as theo danced his way to me. He looked so handsome in all black. "Hi -", I smile and melt in his tight embrace. "So beautiful ", he kissed my cheek , holding me at arms length to admire me. "Damn girl. You sure can pull off white", he hummed , eyeing me. "Okay enough " , I laugh and swat his arm. "I will put you on a pedestal, baby", he flicked his hair away from his brows. "How was work?", he took my bag in his hand. "I'll hold this-", he whispered. "Work was - ", I turn to glance at Mr Taylor.

His eyes follow mine and just in time ,like a movie scene or straight out of a love triangled novel- Reece looked back over his shoulder and I felt theo flinch , hand tightening around mine. Reece's face visibly held a frown as he spoke to Mr Taylor. I'm sure the furrowed brows was for seeing me with theo. Maybe he was surprised.

"Oh? Was he invited too?", he whispered and I nod , lifting my eyes to meet his. "Interesting week ahead", he laughed it off , draping an arm around me. "Let's go home", he flashed his bunny smile and I was grateful that he didn't behave like Anthony that bitch. Theo may have his nerves wrecking but he never faltered.

"Yes , home", I smile as we walk out.

21 : 13 pm

I've been staring at the ceiling for a good 2 hours now. Theo and I had supper together then he left. He had an early morning meeting and couldn't stay with me tonight. He never brought up Reece during that time and I was so glad. It would have been so awkward but theo never made it weird.

Lifting my hand , I stare at the ring between my fingers. It shimmered even in darkness. Sometimes I'd stare at it and wonder what would life had been like if I hadn't divorced him. He would have been the one helping me through those months of pain and depression. I would have gotten over everything much sooner.

But -

Then I remember that If we hadn't broken up - then I wouldn't have found something with bunny. He was the kindest soul I've ever met and there are a million reasons why I'm grateful to have him in my life.

With a sigh, I tighten my fist around the ring , clutching it to my chest and slowly drifting into a much needed sleep .

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