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08 : 12 am

I hated being at work on the weekend.

I was supposed to be spending time with mama. Her birthday was tomorrow and I hadn't yet found a gift for her. Like what would she other than Abby actually coming to visit. Still no word from her though.

"Goodmorning Anastasia-".

"Goodmorning Mr Taylor ", I lift my eyes from the bright laptop, smiling up at his dull face. "Bridget isn't in today , so I need you to multitask today. We need coffees in conference room 5", I give a nod as he briskly walked to the elevator. He seemed to be in a bad mood. Maybe Avery and him got into a fight. Maybe his wife found out. Geez.

Closing my laptop- I rise to my feet, adjusting my skirt and making my way to the kitchen. "Gabe, the boss wants coffees. Have them made and get violet to have them served. He's in a mood. Let's not step on his toes", I update the kitchen staff who gave nods. Twirling around- I collide into his chest. His hands gripping my waist.

"Talk about stepping on toes-", sarcastic asshole. I step out of his arms after inhaling too much of his strong fragrance. That shit will have my nostrils burning for minutes. "Hi-", he gave a toothy smirk which made me sigh. "Goodmorning Mr Alexander ", keeping it professional between us was EXCELLENT! "Oh , Goodmorning Anastasia ", he whispered, holding his smile. "Do you need something?", I ask , not wanting the others to think anything. "Yes - an update. 5 coffees, 2 cappuccinos and 3 orange juices ". I turn to the staff and they nod. "Thank you. We were going to bring up all coffees", I gesture for him to follow me out and he did.

Grabbing his coat sleeve , i drag him into the nearest restroom.

"Whoa ! Slow down kitten - ", he chuckled as I pushed him up against the wall. "Why are you here ,Reece?", I grit my teeth, lifting my Index in his face. "For business-", he eyed my finger with a smile. "You're lying-", I scrunch my nose as he pushed my finger away with the back of his hand. "Anastasia- it's been a year. Do you have any idea how many times James had asked me to come assist him with business and I politely declined because I had my own shit to attend too", he raised a brow and I furrow mine. "I don't believe you ", I whisper and he sighed. "Do you think if I knew about you being his secretary, I would have still declined? Ofcourse not. I would have been on the first flight out of New York. Not that I need a flight , I have a jet", he was so cocky. "I had no idea you worked here", he sounded genuine but I have my doubts.

"This is just coincidence-", he whispered.

"And staying at my apartment? You know I'd say no", I cross my arms over my chest. "A few months back , I stayed at a hotel in Greece and got food poisoning-", he made a weird expression and I found mine relaxing. "Are you okay?", I question and he nod. "That is the reason I've steered clear from hotels. I wouldn't want to crash at James home. Being caught between him and his wife's nagging- I think I'd pass", he flicked his hair off his eyes but it just flopped right back.

"So where were you going to crash if I weren't here?", I raise a brow and he shrugged. "With a staff of his choice -". Oh , he was being serious. I just thought he came to destroy my peaceful life. "I hadn't yet discussed this with - "

"Theo ", he complete my sentence and I nod. "Theo wood. Who would have guessed?", he just stared down at me. "I will let you know the arrangements by the end of this day-", I step back but he reached out , grabbing my wrist. "How are you?", his eyes bouncing around my face.

His question brought back a hurricane of emotions. Feelings that I locked away deep within my heart. Hiding it In darkness. I snatch my hand away. "Why? It's not as if you cared ,Reece. You could have checked up on me when I needed you-", I snap and he tilt his head. "You needed me?". We both go blank and I realize this is why people shut the fuck up or bite down on their tongues.

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