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18 : 23 pm

The cold was freezing my flesh. It was oddly satisfying. The way my skin was prickly with goosebumps. The wind gently ruffling up my hair. I sat on the sidewalk outside the building. Most of the staff had left. This was by far the worst day of my life. I was humiliated and embarrassed. I guess I deserved it though. This was all my fault.

I should have never got drunk that night. Infact - I should have quit this dumb ass job the second he started to flirt.

"Why are you still here?".

I knew that voice.

Looking up through my wet lashes - Johnson was staring down. A disgusted expression plastered on his face. "If I were you , I'd fucking jump off a cliff and die. Such a fucking pathetic embarrassment " , he spat. His fur coat kept him warm. "I knew you were a shit from the beginning but hey- you turned out to be much more than trash. A man slut. Stay away from the others husband's-", he swung his briefcase in his hand as he briskly walked away.

Bringing up my hands , I wipe my wet cheeks. Unfortunately the tears continued to flow. My head ached and the cold was not helping. I'm guessing it was only going to get worse as time went on. I still had to tell my parents about me being married. How does one bring that up?

The heaviness that fell over my shoulders, made me glance up again. He was staring down, head tilt to get a clear view of my rosy face. "Let's go-", he gestured. There's no point in fighting him. Besides - I was tired and drained. Pulling myself up onto my feet , I remove his coat from my shoulders and hand it back to him. "I'm not cold -", I lie , shoving it against his chest. He furrowed his brows and took it anyway without uttering a word.


He had turned on the air-conditioning , on purpose I bet ! It was freezing. I subtly hug myself, trying to keep myself warm. The cold air made my nose stuffy and head throb.

"Are you cold?", he spoke in that annoying sarcastic tone. "No", I mumble , holding in my shivers and almost rattling teeth. "Are you sure?", he reached out ,touching my ice thigh. "Don't-", I flinch , reaching out to swat his hand but he pulled it away, switching to the heater instead. I chose to remain silent as the car warmed up and so did I. "Your day seemed busy-", he dared to bring it up. "Yeah? That's all your fault ", I groan. "How is that my fault? I did not force you to sign those forms. I gave you options-" , he chuckled. "Options? Choosing between you and showing my parents a sex tape? Those were the options ! I didn't have much of a choice ", I was fuming . He had the fucking nerve to be arrogant while I was hurting. "You did. You chose me -", he looked over with a smile. "You seriously need a psychiatrist-", I shake my head , turning my attention to the window.

The rest of the drive was silent and I was content with that.


"Make yourself at home-", he said as we entered his house. It was quiet and dark until he switched on the lights. Releasing a sigh , I recalled calling this place beautiful. It truly was - and now it's my home. "Can I have my own room?", I turn to look at him but he was already so close , I step back hitting into a vase which would have fallen to the ground if he didn't have such good reflexes. He caught it in his large hand and placed it down firmly. "There's no need to be so jumpy -", he furrowed his brows.

"Then keep your distance-", I snap. "What did I say earlier about your Feisty attitude?", he questioned with a frown. I was about to throw more of my arrogance but I remembered how he rough handled me. I did not want that happening again , so I remain quiet. "Good girl-", he reached out , petting my head. His fingers sinking into my hair. "You can be a bitch when you want though-", he snickered, scratching underneath my chin as if I'm some dog.

"You want me to roll over too?", I was blunt and rude as could be. He only chuckled lowly , bringing his face down to my level. "You'll be on all fours soon ". My cheeks burn up and I step back but he wraps his arm around me , stopping me from bumping into the vase again. "Let go-", I push at his chest and he simply lifted me off my feet , throwing me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "Reece" , I scream , punching his back. He carried me down the passage, all the way upstairs. "I will not sleep in the room you shared with hailey !", I continued to protest until he threw me onto the bed. I yelp ,bouncing up and down a few times before settling.

The room was different. It was not their old room , where she had helped me get dressed for work. "Our room-", he gestured to the stuff around us. "I want my own bed -", I mumble. I really did not want to sleep beside him. "You don't get your own room-", he raised a brow , grabbing my ankles and dragging me to the edge of the bed. "Stop it!", I tried kicking but he swat my thigh- hard! "Ouch-", I whimper as he pushed me down onto my back , climbing between my spread legs. His hands bind mine above my head and I shut my eyes in fear. We were alone - totally alone. No one to help if things went south. As you recall - he was strong...very strong.

"Please-", I whisper, feeling his hot breath fanning my neck before his lips press a long kiss to a spot just underneath my earlobe. "Please, don't-", I wriggled my hands which were locked in his tight hold.

"Begging turns me on -", he snickered , continuing to trail kisses along my jaw. "Reece " , I grumble , feeling his lips nearing mine. "Don't!", I scream - only to have them suffocated with his skillful tongue. It slipped in and out of my mouth- gagging and choking me each time he pushed it deeper down my throat. How was his tongue that long ? "Kiss me -", he ordered but I refused. "What did I say about getting on my nasty side?", he squeezed my wrists tighter. "You're hurting me -", I sob , wriggling my hands. "Kiss me -", he demanded and pressed his lips back to mine. The more I rejected, the more he tightened his hold. I could feel my fingertips becoming ice as he was stopping the blood flow.

With a whimper - I kiss him back. He allowed me to snake my tongue into his mouth. His hands slowly release mine, I bring them up , curling them around his neck as he kissed me gently. His lips were soft and delicate- like snow in winter. His hands roamed my body , holding onto my waist. Did I want this ? No... but was he gentle when I was cooperative? Yes.

Slowly pulling away , he watched me intently. Crisp blue bouncing around my face , which was probably scarlet and messed with tears. "You are so beautiful-", he brought up his hand , wiping my cheeks. "You don't have to be afraid-", he trailed . "Okay?", he whispered and I nod my head.

"Okay. Get settled in. I'll be in my study if you need me", giving my forehead one last kiss , he got to his feet and left. I remained on my back, staring at the ceiling. My heart was still beating in my throat.

Slowly I inhale deeply and sigh. This entire day was a mess. It had only begun.

20 : 37 pm
Reece's pov:

"Yes, Mrs Lindsay. You handle those specific accounts and I'll do the rest". I continued to nod as if she could see me. "You have yourself a good afternoon too", with that I hang up and close up my laptop. I had a busy day and right now , I was on another level of hungry.

Getting off the leather seat , I stroll out of the study and head upstairs to check on my little princess. Sure - I'm the bad guy right ? Because I planned this whole shit load plan and then threatened her to marry me. I just figured that I wasn't inlove with hailey. It was just a mutual feeling.

Ryder was right. If I want something - there's no such thing as I can't have it. Reece Alexander always gets what he wants.


Entering the bedroom , I halt for a second just to drink in her beauty. So effortless. She was still In her work clothes, laying on her back - asleep. I head into the closet , planning on showering because fuck , I was tired. Unfortunately- my cellphone began to ring and I answered before it could wake her.


"Reece!. I am on my way to you. You have a shit load of explaining to do-", he hung up before I could voice my opinion about him coming here.

Bet Ry spilled his guts to our parents or hailey that crocodile teared bitch.

Well- whatever.

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