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13 : 56 pm

He was more nervous than me. He never left my hand as we walked up to her extravagant house. I mean ,it was just for her. Why did she need a 5 bedroom house ?

"We can turn back-", he said as we stepped on the porch. I chuckle and give his hand a tight squeeze. "It'll be okay ", I had reassured him about 7 times already. He was a panick mechanic. "Are you sure ?", he sulked and before I could speak , the door opened , revealing a short blonde lady with reading glasses. A purple silk dress which hugged her love bumps and a pearl necklace over her wrinkled collarbone. I'm assuming this was his mother's mother, seeing that she was so fancy.

"My starfish ", she reached up. Reece bent down really low in order for her arms to wrap around his neck. I stand aside , smiling at how much she clearly missed him. "Hey grandma-", was how this grown man greet. "Don't hey me. You live around the corner and can't visit this old lady-", she released him and pout her red lips. The lipstick was so red , it hurt my eyes. "I work - ", he said without sounding cocky. "Grandma- this is Anastasia " , he took my hand and brought me to his side. Her eyes judge me before she gave a brief nod. "Come on inside -", she gestured for us to follow.

He gave my hand another squeeze as we followed her. Damn, was her house a vintage beauty. I sadly envied her . This place looked like an art museum. I was astonished! "Breathtaking-", Reece whispered. "Yes-", I answered softly. "It's called ego when you praise yourself-", I look up at him as he chuckled. He had called me breathtaking. Entering the dinning room , it was vast with only a round table and chairs. Rich people things.

"You came-", his mother smiled proudly but snobbed me. His father stood to shake his hand. "Glad to see you son", he smiled then extended his hand for me. I was actually caught off guard. Reece gave me a nudge to snap me out of my 'is this real' trance. "Hi-", I shake his hand and he gives a smile. I wasn't sure if that was genuine or a facade.

Once we're all seated- I take a brief glance at the table. Roasted potatoes with chicken, gravy , pasta , French fries, baked potatoes with cheddar sauce. It was like Thanksgiving . Again , rich people things.
"I'll say grace-", his grandmother said and we all bowed our heads in respect. My eyes remained opened as I watched Reece's hand resting on my thigh. Fingertips sprawled along the inner flesh ,making me gulp.

"Dear lord, I thank you for this food and family and guests ", the moment the word 'guests' left her mouth, I place a hand over his because I knew he'd tense up, wondering if I were okay . I guess I've been wrecked enough about me marrying him. Insults never phased me anymore. "Amen-", she drummed her fingers on the table. "Let's eat-" , she gestured to the delicious food. I was hesitant but reached for the gravy bowl and so did Reece. Our eyes meet and smiles forming on our faces. "You first-", he whispered and handed me the bowl. I never failed to notice the way his mother shot daggers at me.

I mean - what did I expect? Warm hugs and a welcome bouquet? Maybe a surprise party to welcome me into the family. Ofcourse not- everyone was pissed and that's understandable. I wasn't trying to fit in , I just wanted to make Reece happy.

He deserved it.

15 : 07 pm

With Reece busy catching up with his father. I was in the kitchen, helping to clean willingly. Despite the awkward silence among the three of us , getting the work done was easy. His mother washed, I wiped and the lady of the house , packed them away. I'd say we made a great team.

"Remember we had this exact feast last year and hails said it reminded her of Thanksgiving ", his mother laughed and the grandmother joined. I knew they were trying to be pricks , so I just smiled and continued to wipe up the dishes. "She visited last week -", the grandmother said with a gleeful tone. "We are going out for coffee tomorrow ", his mother add.

"I always thought Reece would get over her having that miscarriage-", at the mention of that , my hands froze and my body felt cold. Miscarriage? She was pregnant? "Ever since that , Reece had been distant and that's why their marriage failed when someone new came along-", I did not stay behind to hear more insults. I place down the cloth and head out. I felt claustrophobic .

The passage lead me to a bathroom which I enter and shut the door. Chest heaving as I stroll to the basin , gripping the edges and leaning over it for support. Why didn't he tell me that? Did I ruin their marriage? Ofcourse I did ! But - poor hailey. Suffering the loss of their baby alone.

"Anastasia?", his voice boomed from outside. Before I could protest , he had pushed open the door and entered. "Are you okay?", he paced to where I stood. "You look like you've seen ghost. Did my mother upset you?", he furrowed his brows. "Talk to me baby-", he grasped my shoulders, making me sit on the toilet lid and he crouched infront- hands on my knees.

"What's wrong?", he repeat.

I inhale sharply before sighing out loud. I felt like an idiot. Home wrecker.

"Why didn't you tell me about the miscarriage-", I whisper. He scrunched his nose , shrugging his shoulders. "What miscarriage?", his eyes dart to my stomach. "Are you pregnant?", his question alittle too loud. "No - ", I shake my head. "Hailey. She had a miscarriage-", he seemed confused . As if I were speaking some foreign language. "I don't understand-", he stood. "She never mentioned anything of that sort and I was always careful-", he trailed off , staring down at me. He was uncomfortable telling me he had sex with her. "I never came inside of her. Always used a condom", he finally add.

"I don't think that's entirely true, baby. But - I will find out", he stroked my head. "Don't upset yourself", he helped me up , tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "I love you. Nothing will change that. Not even this fucking lie-", he scoffed , cupping my face and kissing my forehead.

A lie?

What if it wasn't?

Theo's pov:

"Do you think I'm fat?"

I shake my head for the hundredth time. "You're lying ", she continued to stare at her reflection in the mirror, running her hand up and down her flat stomach. "Maybe Reece likes chubby girls. Maybe if I gain weight-", she hadn't stopped yapping about him since she arrived at my apartment. I wish we could speak about anything else but him. It's as if her life revolved around him even though he did not want her.

How can I politely say - shut the fuck up.

"I tried falling pregnant ", she confessed. "Yeah? Why didn't you then", I respond. She shrugged her shoulders, lifting her t-shirt and placing her hand over her stomach as if cupping a baby bump. "Reece was always careful not to allow me to carry his children. I should have noticed he didn't love me. I mean- what husband doesn't want kids? We're a hot couple. Our kids would have been fucking beautiful ".

I smile imagining her pregnant. She would have been a million times more annoying. I wouldn't be able to deal with her mood swings and cravings.

"But - he was always after that slut Anastasia. I knew it since the first time I saw him look at her. She was not just his assistant. Sometimes I feel as if they got history together-" , her voice blurred. History ? Together? My mind drift to the Polaroid in her phone gallery. They looked younger. She looked smaller. Maybe they did. That would actually be a game changer. How can hails compete if those two shared something deeper than just a fake marriage.

I guess finding out won't be easy but fuck it. I enjoy unraveling mysteries. This one was a hard egg to crack.

But I will eventually crack it -

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