Chapter 56: Back In Time

Start from the beginning

I can't do all this shit. It's too crazy. But... wait! What if–?

A smile flashed on his face as an idea dawned on him. He rushed into the street while the elite was shooting at Haywire. Trying not to run too fast and call their attention with his drug-induced super speed, he approached Hazel.

"Hazel!" he yelled over the noise of the firing of several shotguns at the same time.

She narrowed her gaze and pouted. "Sky? What are you doing here, you idiot?!"

"I know I'm not supposed to be here, but listen to me, okay?" he said, speaking fast as he spread his palms flat towards her in a calm, peaceful approach. "I've got an idea that can... solve all this. Sort of."

"Hey, Sky!" Kenji yelled at him from the distance as he reloaded his shotgun. "I admire your guts, man. Approaching Hazel when armed while fighting against a phoenix. Either could kill you, but you're here anyway." He chuckled.

"After screwing the admission test up," Luca, who was standing near Kenji, added while aiming and firing at Haywire. "I knew you'd have a death wish."

"Good. I admire that you're willing to die," Charlotte said as she ran past them and shot at Haywire, "even though you're a nuisance to us right now. Can't you do and get killed somewhere else?"

"Don't cry very loud when you die, please," Winona said. "And drop dead on the sidewalk, if possible. We're working here. Thank you."

Sky tried hard to ignore his former friends' hateful remarks and focused on talking to Hazel alone. "Please, step with me aside for a moment. I need to talk to you."

"Somebody call the Head of the Elite and tell her to come and fetch her son," Hazel said with a bored attitude as she took a glimpse at her friends.

"Hazel!" Sky complained.

A grunt later, Sky grabbed her arm and pulled her behind him as he walked to the nearest sidewalk.

"Not now, Sky!" Hazel complained as she tried to aim once more at Haywire but couldn't. "Can't you see we're under attack?!"

Sky saw as Charlotte got their superior to make a call. After a wry face and a curt nod, their captain agreed and dialled a number. Great. Must be calling my mother. She'll be here soon. I need to hurry up!

"Hey! Let go of me!" Hazel yelled as she tried to free her arm from his strong grip on her, but failed.

When both reached the nearest corner, Sky pulled her to the wall and said, "I'm sorry I'm pulling away from your job, Hazel, but this is really urgent."

"How come you can pull me like that?!" she said with a furrowed brow while she gently massaged the spot which Sky had grabbed. "You weren't that strong not long ago. Besides, didn't you fail the admission test because you didn't have the required physical prowess?"

Sky sighed and bit his lower lip for a moment as he took a brief glimpse at that violent Haywire he should've hit with his sonic gun.

"I... I'm sorry I've hurt you," he whispered in remorse. "But I've got little time to explain things right now. Will you listen and help me, please?"

"Whatever, Sky," she replied with a daring and mocking tone. "Fuck off and let me go back to the battle."

"I promise everything's gonna be fine out there if you help me. As if nothing had happened." If my idea works.

"Help you with what?" She crossed her arms over her chest as she frowned deeply.

"With this. My time-skipping wristwatch." He showed her his device.

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