Chapter 56: Back In Time

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The right moment to strike came and went in the blink of an eye. Sky, frozen due to bewilderment, saw Haywire concentrating on the Control Tower and gathering enough energy to blast his signature attack on it. His former self had aimed, fired, and succeeded at bringing that Sonic Echo Ranger down, but his current self was swimming in a thunderstorm of feelings.

The moment Mrs Evergreen pushed the red button, I knew I was coming back here, but to be blatantly honest, I'm shocked I'm actually here. It feels surreal. I never wanted to come back. I gave that idea up days ago, when I was determined to face problems head-on and deal with the consequences, like a grown-up.

He stared at his hands and the fuming, time-skipping wristwatch. He clenched his teeth in frustration.

The time leap must've been too big. That's why it's probably fuming right now.

My arms and hands still feel well-built and tough. And my vision? Still super sharp. If I started running, would I match the speed I had before travelling back in time? Does that mean that the Lifebringer came back in time with me? Damn. I didn't see that coming. I thought I'd become my former, weaker self.

A few seconds later, his skin got regenerated thanks to the Lifebringer coursing through him.

The sound of shotguns called his attention. A group of Elite Academy students and their captain were there, and Sky's friends were among them.

Sky sighed. Look, there goes Hazel with her fiery red hair. This Hazel hates the shit out of me. Same with the rest of my friends. Look at them, all geared up and violent, attacking a foe that's way more powerful than they are—not that they care. If they see me, they'll bully me again. I'll need to befriend all of them once more.

Besides that, my father's still being kept in a secret lab room down Anti-Ageing Inc.'s headquarters, with his memories completely lost. I'll need to rescue him and try to emulate what Endurance did during his brief takeover. Let's hope I can manage that, because I have no idea how to achieve that. Otherwise, my father's memories will be forever lost.

Let's not forget about freaking Kovak, who started all this shit and manipulated me for days on end. I need to contact him and make him believe I'm from the future or something. Will he trust me? Or will he use me again? It'd be easier if I restored his relationship with my aunt first.

And my mother? In a few minutes, she's bound to appear here and tell me off... if she sees I'm here. She'll be as harsh and unreachable as usual ever since my father disappeared. How can I fix my relationship with her before we reach the point of no return again?

But I just missed my chance to hit Haywire. Does that mean that events will start to unfold differently from now on? I have absolutely no idea.

I need to hack into Haywire's brain to make him my friend and ally, too.

And save Naomi and Hazel from Mrs Evergreen while making sure I've got all the meds they need to survive.

And publicly expose Mrs Evergreen's ruthless business tactics and the truth about her secret Lifebringer project, tainting the reputation of the company.

And I need to kill Endurance, too. No biggie. And free his phoenixes.

Oh, and let's not forget that I cannot afford to lose sight of this damned watch again. Otherwise, it could end up in that bloody woman's hands once more.

I swear to God that, if I survive this shit, I'm gonna flee from this city and look for a radically different career and job!

His heart was already playing a crazy, tachycardiac solo due to panic. Too much to be achieved, all at the same time.

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