Part II

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This is the second part of the previous poem 

The love in the night's eyes makes me alive

Despite this I grew to hate it too much

Hate, huh?

The night pricks it's teeth too deep in me

And I became half agony, half pain

Sine childhood I prayed to sleep well

But the night never hugged me like it did to others

Now when I lay down here

It seems as if it's singing a song

A song that is only wrapping my ears.

That's why I can't sleep

My tears froze just like moon being someone's frozen heart

My heart beats like the stars twinkling ,there

My soul wanders just like the sky ,up there

Maybe the night now hugs me

Loves me....

Maybe it wants to make me feel how it felt

And I hate it

I'm falling so it is

I'm broken so it is

I'm wandering so it is

Being a unfulfilled prayer of someone we seek it among sins

Being an open soul we search fullness in emptyness

Being the silence of dark we look for noise midst thunders

And still after this, the rotting holes in my body are rotting, the empty spaces are empty and the cracked soul still cracked

The night loves me like a lover

And it's love comes in the form of daylight

The daylight that blinds me so I can never see the holes, the emptiness and the cracks.

That's why I hate it....

In love it made my broken parts glow to make me alive but never let them to heal and it was the only thing suffocating me... 

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