We burnt to make our shine bright

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It was quite as if I finally made peace with my thoughts. Now the loudness of this world is not a bother to my soul. I delightfully ran in the streets to enjoy that peace. I did what I fancy for on that day.

I visited museums to witness the fall and rise of a kingdom, of a pride long gone, of a treasure known of no worth, of a painting from a time long forgotten. I visited libraries where books articulated of a myth nobody believed, of a history that can't be forgotten, of an accident that turned into mystery.

I stared the beauty of sky like lover staring, burning for love. I fed stray cats and pups to feel the affection often adored. I visited castles where once hall echoed on victory, mourned on deaths of martyrs, the walls were bent by carrying alone all the memories of who lived there once. The unwillingness of that lavish royalty to be photographed on phone was felt in the winds blowing.

I stared the stars that were burning to make their shine brighter; I perceived the moon to be on its crescent phase but radiating to its fullest. I watched the ocean to pick stunning bright lights of stars to wear them as its charms to look more stunning and shining. I danced in rain under the sky that was pouring hard –tears in content that some mortals still loves to play with them.

I breathed in peace for the last moment, I did this all as I was exhausted of burning to make myself shine once again I burned for the moments that gave back me my shine. I smiled at the beauty of castle, moon, stars, rain, museum, library and ocean they smiled back to me. That day others thought I was happy while I was burning to make my shine better but not for the world but to be a star in the sky of the universe I held in myself.

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