All that blood was once red ,but now blue

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I was busy

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I was busy

mending my shattered heart

Then a sound of knock echoed

And I was not willing to open it 

Yet people forcefully came

They laugh, they are here to find something

To find my flaws, to find my weak point

And when I'm half way through mending it

Mending my glass like heart that breaks so easily

My entire body bleeds, mostly my hands are dripping blood 

as my heart of glass has got sharp edges . 

They say heart in your body makes you feel 

That's why my heart makes my body bleed

As it is  broken too and bleeding also

Although the people never see this 

While I'm standing at the corner drenched in red 

They speak words that bang my heart like hammer 

N in the end my heart is broken again

Once again

They leave, thinking they ease my work 

That's the problem with people they think their ways of thinking, problem solving is the only way I can get my work done. 


My work was mending my broken heart 

Because it hurts

And they shattered it and left it into pieces

Their idea was no heart ,no hurting, no pain

And once again my soul is heartless


I'm Collecting my broken glass heart 

And this time they prick my fingers too hard

Too deep

Too much deep

And now I'm feeling blue 

Blue....... It has taken the color of my blood

I'm blue 

And they are the only reason I'm will always remain blue

And they are the only reason I'm will always remain blue

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