What it takes to be Myself

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It takes an emotional mindset while doing anything

It takes lot of cravings and no physical activity

It takes to be a mole always in its home

It takes to have 0 social life

It takes to be a warrior whenever my mild thoughts are on a war

It takes to have everyone around you but no one who cares for me

It takes to be an introvert

It takes to day dream the whole year

It takes to have no passion, just love for nature, books and Pinterest

It takes to be a loud person with you

It takes no hard work, as I don't do any

But it takes me a lot more then this to be myself, to dream, to accept the reality, to sigh on myself, to be of no use, to be a bother on my parents, to hate myself, to ignore my feelings and go on, to not to do what I desire and to cry for it.

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