My Playlist

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A sweet melody filled my ears; it was calm unlike the day, too loud.

I closed my eyes to feel its rhythm the cold was about to froze me my eyes by now was wide open I perceived myself walking through the streets that leads me to my abode on the eve of Christmas. All the shops were lit just like people's smiling faces.

The surrounding was covered with white sheet of snowflakes, giggling faces of children; the warmth of happiness touched me. I stretched out my hands to feel the snowfall.

The frozen crystals of ice formed a layer upon my skin some started melting and dripping a smile unknowingly appeared on my face. Those frost crystals reminded me of a happiness long gone but still the essence of it present in crescents of my soul.

The music pouring melody upon my ears stopped I opened my eyes to find me lying on the couch, hopelessly, of my house. That entire scene filling my head flew away with thin air.

I glanced on my phone it was midnight, playing playlist of songs that I often listen to make a memory alive when I listened to the same but in my happy times. The songs wove old memories in me to stitch worn parts of me. The healing power of music never fails to avail a reason to smile, to live, to struggle, to feel the happiness and to realize your existence.

I stood front of the window looking at the moon, as we both are of slight acquaintance. How? The moon is surrounded by the stars while I'm by my miseries.

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