Chapter Sixteen

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It's been five days.

Five days after the library fight.

Five days after the text message.

I think I must've woken up on Saturday, with a pounding headache but with a few assistance from Jisoo, I felt well and got ready for the orphanage. Throughout the process, I couldn't stop thinking about if I'm apologizing to Taehyung.

Nope, you should wait for him to say he's sorry first, my stubborn inner voice shout at me and I rolled my eyes, putting on my boots. Indeed, he never made a motion to say he's sorry to me so why should I make the first move?

Argh, it's your fault, for being attracted  to him, my inner voice said. Wouldn't you please shut up?! I scream back. Of course, it's my fault and I ain't regretting even. As I searched for Jisoo to come with me, as I went down the hallway, Marci and as well as her group of annoying giggling twenty-one year old girls passed by me. Marci is dressed simply, her shades on top of her head. We shared a look, but she looked away.

Where the heck are you, Soo? I looked at every corner of the hallway, trying to spot my black-haired friend with a heart smile. Where could Jisoo be? If I was Jisoo, then where would I go on a Saturday?

The farm? Nope, we're planning to go just tomorrow. The drama club? Nope, they do not do the club meetings on weekends (as well as not all clubs). The canteen? Nah, it is Roseanne's hiding spot and I'm sure she sneaked there to have a great time with a crush, Park Jimin. Then...the library? No, if she simply went there, she would go to a crazy state (cue the complains about Mr Roberts for giving us a science test. "It's not fear, it's torture!" She'd complained.) then...ah ha!

I walked (nope, ran!) outside the fields of Titan College, going to the stands that was taken around the basketball pitch. I shield my eyes with my hands, and look around, like I'm using binoculars, oh I wish, and I spotted my friend sitting on a bench not so far away from me and tiptoes to sit on the bench beside her.

"Hey, Jisoo!" I waved my hands, trying to get her attention but her gaze was stuck at the basketball pitch. Following her gaze, I was stunned to see Lisa performing a nice stunt, pom-poms on her hands (that was when I knew she'll be cheerleader soon), and Kim Taehyung playing with the ball, with some guys including Jeon Jungkook and Oh Sehun. But when I saw who Jisoo was looking at, a random buff student, I scowled.

"No!" I gasped, taking ahold of her shoulders and shaking them, making her looking at me as if I'm some monster. "Do not like someone else. I am planning then to introduce you to my brother!" I knew I sounded whiny.

"Jennie!" She hissed at me, smacking my head, eyes narrowed to slits. "First of all, I only thought your brother's voice is hot so that's the point. Secondly, I don't like him, heck, I never met the guy! Thirdly, you are not my mother, you can't forbid me from liking another boy."

"Both you and my brother are destined by  fate!" I purposely raise my voice a little bit higher that everyone stops to stare at us in bafflement and Jisoo quickly stood up and grabbed my arm, pulling me away.

"Gosh, Jen, you're mad. In fact, don't you even mention your brother in my life ever again!" She grumbled slightly and I didn't care, I'm still going to introduce them.

I was even struggling to be on my feet as I was laughing hard. Once I'm done (wiping my tears), I said, "Come with me to St Tia Orphanage, we're meeting the kids. I have already bought snacks and toys, Aunt will be sending a car to pick us up."

"Humph, I didn't even agree yet and you are rambling as if we made the plan. Since you fought with my brother, and you two don't have the gall to apologize, then why didn't you take him with you? So that you will spend time together!" She even made a motion to nudge me, brows wiggling up and down teasingly that I pushed her for revenge, though gently, hoping my face is not a tomato.

"Don't even mention his name in front of me ever again!" I harrumphed, snorting, and then rolling my eyes. Jisoo squealed, and started doing a weird jig. If I was the younger Jennie, I would've been totally embarrassed, but right now, I was busy laughing.

"In fact you've felt my frustration when you talk about that brother of yours, in fact, show me a photo of him in case if he's real," she was now harrumphing, crossing her arms after her jig.

"Oh, I will, in the car." I smirked slightly as I went through Google to search quite a handsome brother that will make Jisoo to faint or to scream. While we walked away, I didn't notice a certain girl looking at us, with her posse, and then smiling, taking out her phone and tapping a quick text...

The car didn't really take long to arrive as I was patient, though Jisoo wasn't; often thumping her foot on the ground like just a bunny and snorting when the car arrives and we entered.

While Jisoo was entertained with some TikTok video, I took a chance to send a photo to her phone. She obviously got it, got the look she gave him (I pretended to not notice, by looking out the window).

As she shrugged, I peeked, and seeing her receiving the photo and her phone nearly dropped out of her hands. I stifled a giggle as she looked embarrassed, peeking at the photo again and doing a silent scream as she fanned herself with her hand, as she instructed the driver to turn on the AC (it was turned to almost its highest), and it's the moment that I burst out laughing at her helpless-looking face.

What a sight to behold.

I even cheekily snapped a photo of her.

She didn't do anything, so I smirked.

We eventually reached the orphanage and the driver handed I and Jisoo a big basket, one of snacks, the others, toys. As he just drove away, I walked to the front doors (I was breathing softly, maybe nervousness? Fear?) and knocked on it. A middle-aged nun answered, she looked a bit similar to Ms Marisa.

"Oh hi, you must Ms Jennie Kim, I as well as the kids have been waiting for you. Oh, come in." She said, shuffling a bit to let us in. "I'm Tia, obviously!" She laughs a little and closing the door behind her. Then she went to the middle of the hall, calling out, "CHILDREN! AUNTIE JENNIE IS HERE ALREADY!"

She spun around, clasping her hands and looking at Jisoo, "Oh, I didn't catch your name, my dear." She says, as I heard a lot of footsteps coming down from the stairs.

"Kim Jisoo, ma'am." Jisoo answered and a number of children, exactly the numbers of what Ms Marisa told me, came towards me, screaming, "Auntie Jennie! Auntie!!!"

I just shook my head as I knelt before them. "Hello, children." I nodded. "I'm Auntie Jennie and she's Auntie Jisoo. We are here to visit you all. We even brought some snacks and toys."

"Oh dear, you guys shouldn't have been bothered about the toys and snacks." Ms Tia exclaimed, though a bit teary-eyed. I wouldn't blame her.

"I should be bothered." I said. "Well then, enjoy yourselves kids." I and Soo set the baskets before them. They chorused many thank-yous, which flattered me.

We actually have a lot of fun, being at the orphanage and by almost evening, we set off in a underground subway train back to Titan College.

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