Chapter Ten

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It was Saturday, which mean the very first weekend I'm spending in Titan College. I was awakened by a worried-looking Jisoo, plus Yeri's and Nayeon's panicked faces. I started at the three of them, baffled.

"What happened?" I clutched the hems of my soft blanket, the bad feeling in me just growing by passing seconds. Is Mum in the school? Is there a fire outbreak? Was there anything else.

"Uhm, your mother, Marianne Kim, is in the hall, arguing that she wants to see you and all the students are there." My worst nightmare came true. I groaned, realizing it was seven in the morning.

I instantly threw a robe over my pajamas, feeling confident since I wore long shorts, and walked out of the girls dormitory, and seeing my mother in the hall indeed, just arguing with a unconcerned Christopher Lee.

"Mother!" I shouted to get her attention, almost fuming as Marci came to view, a  smirk on her face. I do wanted to punch that smug face off her but stopped myself, telling myself it's just useless. Mum just turned to me.

"Jennie Ruby Kim!" She screeched at me with narrowed eyes. "Has my upbringing made you such an insolent disobedient...and lying girl?!"

"Mother, I'm sorry but I'm not getting you." I tried hard not to be sarcastic but it's hard to when Kim Taehyung is watching. Mum looked like she's about to kill me but sent a look towards Marci who instantly points at a stunned Jisoo, who's confused now.

"No!" I instantly stepped right in front of my friend. "You're my mother, I respected and love you, but it's my life and you have no right to choose my friends, whether if they're rich and poor."

"Uhm, Mrs Kim?" Taehyung's voice rang the hallway and I fought the urge to stop whatever bold thing he's going to do and shivered as my mother turned to him, a flash of something on her face for just a second.

"I think your daughter is right." He adds more boldly, turning to walk towards me, our fingers nearly brushing that heat was radiating between us. "It's her life and it's apparent you have no control over it." He added more sternly, sharing a brief look with me which might've lasted for more than a minute that I looked away, wishing I'm not blushing right now.

"Very well." Mum shrugged and I was so stunned, very sure Marci was, too. "But I would like to have a talk with you?" She's adding, looking fiercely at Taehyung, who wasn't backing down apparently.

I blinked, blinked once again. I was very suspicious about her behavior? Is my own mother, Marianne Kim, willing to talk to a commoner, someone below her?

"No." Jisoo breathed under her breath as she clung into her brother's arm, a flash of worry and reluctance on her face. And of course, she'll act like this, since my own mother can make Taehyung vanish from the face of the earth.

"Let me go, Soo." He said back. My heart paced quickly in my heart as he added, "I wouldn't let her do anything to me." Then Jisoo finally let go of him hesistantly and we (students and Principal Lee) watched as Taehyung followed right behind Mum and my kneecaps shook slightly. I almost fell but Jisoo caught me.

It's been just five whole minutes and my heart was hurting like crazy. My vision is spinning, wondering what could Mum be doing to Taehyung now? Probably bribing him to leave the school with Jisoo? And as a minute passed, once I catches sight of a familiar face, i instantly eased down as he said something to Principal Lee who just dispersed the stunned crowd.

I instantly rushed to Taehyung and he has almost flinched as I grabbed his hands. "I am sorry my mother came. What did she tell you?" I stopped myself from getting angry at Mum. I needed to talk to her as soon I can later. But I also needed to talk to Yoongs first.

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