Chapter Four

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Even when I was back home, my mind was still thinking of the handsome man. I just remembered that the old lady called him 'Taehyung' so I guessed that was his name. I normally passed by Ning who was sleeping, her head on the coffee table, just snoring peacefully.

I only jumped on my bed when the laptop, which was on, made an apparent sound as I frowned and went ahead to check. It was my result! I immediately scrolled down as my eyes watered, 100/100...not bad but I was terribly upset because I know I'm now admitted.

I even got an email from the principal.

Dear Jennie Kim,

We are pleased to inform you that you're admitted at Titan College with very high marks. By July seventh, please travel to New York and once you reached there, go and stay at any place of your choice. By the end of the week, school will be opened and we suggest you should buy what you need for school. Until we meet.

Yours sincerely,
Christopher Lee,

I gulped harshly, closing down my laptop. Fantastic, I'm admitted, I have to travel to a place I've never been, and I still needed to meet my Mum's lover. Fantastic!

I instantly grabbed my phone, getting on the bed, sitting up. I immediately went to the app.

Afternoon, Dad. I got admitted by Titan College and I'll leave soon in a month. I almost wanted to delete that but I couldn't stop myself or neither even my fingers.

Soon, after five minutes, Dad replied.

Afternoon, sweetie. I'm so proud of you that you got admitted, I really hope you do well in the school. Maybe during the dinner break, you can stop by and maybe see the twins in California?

My fingers paused over the keyboard as I just read Dad's message over and over as I got a mild shock of disbelief. I blinked as I quickly replied,

California sounds great. I would love to during the summer holiday. and sent. I had figured Mum would kill me if she has found out about this but I couldn't care less. Even if Dad ran away, he's still our father.

I just hugged myself on the bed sprawled on it, the blanket rolled around my body, like a caterpillar.

By dinner time, Ning softly woke me up in her usual way of talking and I sat up on the bed. I rushed to refresh myself and not appear before Mum like a haggard old woman.

I immediately went downstairs, Ning by my side. As soon as I stepped into place, Mum instantly looked at him.

Weirdly, her eyes seemed cold.

"Evening, Mum." I greeted nervously, just simply fidgeting as Ning greeted her with shyness creeping on her face. Mum only signaled I and Ning to seat down and I've shared a nervous look with Yoongi who's looking much paler than before.

"Jennie Ruby Kim." Mum suddenly snarls at my way and I jumped, nearly knocking a jug of water but Mum didn't noticed as her eyes were narrowed towards my way. If she says our middle names, we're dead.

"M-Mum?" I stuttered, frowning a bit as I got a mild migraine coming up. What did I do that made Mum angry?

"Jennie, my assistant sent me a rather interesting video and I'll like you to tell me why you've done that." She said slowly as she unlocked her phone. I could hear my heart beating wildly in my ears.

She turned her phone sideways, turning on the video and I watched in horror as it showcased my fight with the cashier this morning at the convenience store and me being kind towards the old lady and her grandson.

Yoongi couldn't even look at the video but Ning's eyes were on the video, transfixed. I opened my mouth but kept on closing it like a fish and I flinched horribly as Mum slapped her phone on the table (I'm sure it's broken).

"What was the meaning of this?! I told you to stay away from these poor people, who can't do anything but be dirty and be stealing from us, the elites. In fact, I don't care about your explanation, all I want to hear is that you shouldn't go near them!!" Mum was yelling at me and all I wanted to do was to burst out crying that moment.

"Yes, I would never be seen anywhere near them, or even any other poor people ever again." I've never horrible for maybe keeping this half-lie from Mum. Her face was red and she was breathing heavily.

"Did you pass?"

I wasn't surprised. "I did."

"Splendid, now, I need to leave as I can't stay in this dining room anymore. I've lost my appetite." She gulped hard, stood up, and left. I looked down, feeling conscious all of a sudden.

"You two aren't going to say anything?" I raised my head up, whispering but I knew they heard my words as they looked at me with bafflement and confusion.

"Never mind, don't listen to me, I'm a big sucker for words." I smiled, showing off my pearly whites along with my gums. "Do you two hate poor people like Mum?"

Once again, Yoongi and Ning were still baffled as they shook her head, staring at me. "You know." Ning said softly. "I think that's pretty brave and sweet of you. I will even do that."

"You wouldn't, you're too timid." Yoongi teased her and Ning pouted. I laughed at them, now seeing them as cuties.

About nearly a month later, it was time to meet Mum's lover, Harold. When I got to the dining room, everyone was here, and I caught sight of Harold. He's burly, has red hair and sideburns and he's good-looking so I didn't say much except only to greet him and settled down on my seat, grabbing my cutlery.

I wasn't surprised when Harold spoke, "I know you three might have tough times as your father left probably when you all are very young but I promise that I'll now be there, as a father figure."

I sneered at him, not believing him.

Mum just smiled sweetly at him, and she was looking quite different. I mean, she's cold and indifferent to her own kids and yet kind and loving to Harold that I felt like really biting my fingers off out of all frustration!

"We're getting engaged." She laughed so softly (which was there) and she wiggled her ring finger and on it was a diamond ring.

I heaved a sigh, and forcefully ate a part of my steak, feeling no appetite to continue to eat but I still did because Mum, earlier, had strictly told us we should finish eating and not waste anything. It's really funny, coming from her, since she's the one who was always wasting her food.

Then the moment finally came as Mum brought out a file. "Jen, my sweetheart, I would like you to sign this. Don't worry, I have already read it and it's safe." Then I watched as she held out a fountain pen my way.

Immediately think of an excuse and leave like that. I recalled Yoongi's words and in the next second, I was now moaning in pain, clutching my stomach.

Mum's smile fell. "What happened?"

"Mum, I think I have a stomachache so I can't sign it, maybe later." I groaned as I stood up. "I'm...sorry." I saw Mum who's speechless and held down a smirk, and I turned around, and left the dining room, my hand still on my stomach.

As soon as I reached my room, I locked the door behind me and looked around my room. I've been packing these days, but I made sure it's spotless and I then spotted my leopard-printed luggage kit, which was complete with a bigger one, a medium-sized one and a smaller one for my toiletries and small things. After just a few days, Mum will send the rest of my clothes and things to New York after I've gone there.

I smiled, though knowing I wouldn't even escape getting to sign the papers but I'll making sure that I would avoid doing it, and probably steal the time. I went to the calendar board on the wall and put an 'X' on today, just five boxes away from 'Titan College and New York'.

New York, here I come.

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