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-I don't like it at all.- Irene says, pulling her pigtails over her shoulders with annoyance.- Are you satisfied?- She asks Jennie indignantly.

Jennie sighs heavily and shudderingly, not looking at the girl. She keeps her eyes on Rose, who has gathered the girls around her and is broadcasting something. In recent days, Rose has managed to capture the attention of everyone who plays volleyball. She is asked, she is listened to and obeyed.

That's not what Irene is unhappy about. The fact is that these days Rose spent almost all her free time with them. Sometimes she ran, but otherwise she hardly left Jennie's side. And when she was with Irene and Seulgi, Rose was there. Everything was fine with everyone. Jennie saw that the girls were accepting the blonde. They could become good friends and have fun. Irene was gradually relaxing, and it was noticeable because her friend got along with Rose. Yesterday, while they were smoking, Jennie and Irene silently listened to Seulgi and Rose talking about volleyball. They talked about injuries and physical therapy. Seulgi wasn't playing right now, but she had something to say, and Rose was willing and enthusiastic to keep the conversation going. Jennie should have been glad that Rose had become friends with them, but she couldn't help feeling anxious. For some reason, she did not believe that everything would be like this. She knew that sooner or later Rose would prove herself. However, Jennie didn't think that she would be offended in any way, she could assume that this would only affect Irene and Seulgi, and it was unlikely that she would have to participate in something like this.

-Fuck.- Irene still can't calm down, which attracts the attention of Jennie, who doesn't answer anything.- We are her friends. I'm not going to participate in this. I thought we would be able to communicate normally. "That's all, girls. Go sit down"- Irene mimicked Rose with a casual wave of her hand.

-Calm down. There's nothing special about it.- Seulgi tried to object.

-Jennie, why aren't you talking?-  Irene nudges the brown-haired girl slightly.

-Listen, if something doesn't suit you, no one forces you!- Jennie can't stand it. She is annoyed herself, she wanted to calm down a little, but Irene doesn't give her such an opportunity.

Irene looks at her for a while, clearly thinking about something.

-What about you?- She finally asks.

-Everything suits me. I know what kind of person she is. If she has to behave like that, then let it be her business.

-Jennie.- Irene pauses, looking at the girl in surprise.- Will it suit you that she will assert herself at our expense? I know people like her. I agree, she's attractive, an interesting person, a conversationalist, I... I don't know, but I'm sure she'll repeat it. Well... Am I the only one here who noticed this? She literally ordered us to go to the grandstands, so that everyone could see.

-Listen.- Jennie interrupts her.- I'm happy with everything about her, what don't you understand? I really don't want to fight with you, but Rose is who she is. It's not difficult for me to go to the grandstands: I would have gone here anyway, because everyone who doesn't play came here. Well, damn it... So what? Well, she wants to show herself as a leader, so what? She told me that at the very beginning. Do you know what doesn't suit me? The fact that you attach great importance to this.

Irene turns away silently. She looks like she's thinking about what she's heard.

-I don't care either.- Suddenly Seulgi says. - Irene, we love Jennie, if she's happy with everything, what difference does it make to us? Your pride is hardly hurt here. For a change, we can be someone's friends for a month. Well, it's funny.- She playfully nudges her friend's shoulder.- Relax.

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