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Jennie wants Rose to leave. She knows that she is sitting on the next bed. She sits in silence, but nevertheless her presence only worsens the situation. If she could have been alone for five minutes, she would have calmed down. Tears are flowing onto the pillow, there is nothing left to breathe under the blanket. Her head hurts.

Yuri said a couple of days ago that she would try to come: she couldn't see Jennie off properly, and she would like to see how she settled in. That conversation was not only without quarrels, it was normal. They discussed everything like old friends. And for about an hour after that, before going to bed, Jennie thought she could hear Yuri laughing in her head, like an echo. She shouldn't have believed it. She shouldn't have hoped that this would happen. She would never believe her again. She should have realized long ago that she was too busy with her work, and then the news that nothing would work out would not have upset her so much. She shouldn't have snapped at Rose. Her girlfriend had nothing to do with it. She was only guessing, and it could simply be refuted.

Jennie is ready to get up and go to the bathroom. After all, she needs to wash up. Rose sits and listens while she tries her best to cry quietly. Jennie feels her anger returning. And she doesn't just want to go cry in the bathroom anymore: she's ready to get up and push the fuck Rose out of the room, since she's so stupid and doesn't understand that when a person cries, he needs personal space! Kim clenches her fists and is about to stand up, but then the blanket she is lying under begins to move, and she feels Rose climbing under it. The brown-haired girl stops breathing, already feeling Rose's presence next to her with her whole body. The blonde is too close, her arms are wrapped around Jennie's waist, and her palms are placed on her stomach.

-I'm sorry.- Rose whispers, and Jennie feels her forehead pressed against her back.

She's ready to push away, scream, tell her to fuck off. She would have done so. Jennie feels the need for air and, opening her mouth — greedily, but trying to be as quiet as possible — inhales it. There are no tears anymore. The eyes are wide open. She doesn't know what to do. She can't tell Rose to fuck off. She can't do it now. But why?

-I'm sorry.- Rose says again.

Jennie understands why. The same reason she let Rose hug her all night. Sometimes she did it so hard that Jennie couldn't get enough air. Kim felt at night and feels now that Rose is different. For some reason, she knows that the blonde's behavior is unusual for her. It seems that one wrong action and Rose will close this door and, most likely, forever. To maintain this, you have to control yourself. Not that Jennie tolerated it, but she didn't know how to behave properly. And if it wasn't difficult at night, but even pleasant, now it's chilling. She wants to push the girl away, ask her to leave, or do it herself. She can't be in this state with someone.

But Jennie doesn't ask or leave. She lies down and lets Rose hug her. After a while, she realizes that there have been no tears for a long time, that there are no thoughts that upset her either. Only Rose. How easy it was to tell her to fuck off emotionally, and how difficult it is now to even just lie next to her, afraid to do something unnecessary.

-It's okay.- Jennie whispers, sighing heavily.

The phone on the bedside table starts to vibrate, and Jennie gets out from under the covers. She does not turn around, but only asks Rose to hand it to her. Jisoo.

-Hi.- The brown-haired girl answers. Rose pulls away, but doesn't leave the bed.

-Hi.- The joyful voice of a friend is heard.- Listen, I don't want to distract you too much. How are you feeling there? Are you feeling better?

Jennie realizes that Jisoo is not calling to inquire about her health. To do this, they text each other. But before Jisoo tells her why she's calling, there will be a little dialogue.

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