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Jisoo: This is your record! ahahahahah XD

Jennie: Fuck you!

Jisoo: On the second day, my friend, you delight me. Maybe they'll kick you out like that. You didn't want to go there anyway.

Jennie: Do you want Yuri to be left without money? No. If I get kicked out, it's going to be totally fucked up. Everything turned out to be a reprimand and punishment. There are often quarrels in the camps, so it's not scary.

Jisoo: Maybe, but it depends on how many warnings there are. By the way, Jimin has already started asking. He asked if we had forgotten about what we had agreed on.

Jennie: I see. Don't let him worry. I'll give him everything as promised, and then I'll leave. I can't wait for this day:)

Kim enters the dining room. She is late and is afraid that the table is already occupied. The table is really occupied. The girl is smiling:

-And you are quick to navigate.- She says, walking past Irene and Seulgi.- I'm going to take some food.

-You are our hero.- Irene reaches out to slap Jennie's ass in time.

The brown-haired girl squints at the table that Sana and her friends occupy. Rose is with them. But Jennie is not ready to call Rose their friend. It's not that simple, and Rose is not that simple. Kim is inclined to suspect that her roommate also hates this company, well, Sana for sure. Not that Jennie is sure of this, but it seems so to her, because some of the details that she notices in Rose's behavior do not fit at all with the image of a girl who is ready to suck up and sincerely wants to be friends with these girls. It's just not clear why she's fawning over them.

Jennie takes the juice and, turning to go back, notices Sana staring at her. Kim walks too close to their table and just can't help herself: one seemingly random movement of her hand, and someone's tray from their table crashes to the floor.

-Oh, my God, I'm sorry!- She apologizes, bending down to pick up something from the floor.

-You crazy bitch!- Sana jumps up.

-Girls!- A man quickly approaches the table. Presumably, he is a counselor or coach. Jennie had seen this man, but had no idea who he was.- Everything will be cleaned up now. Go to your table.

-I didn't do it on purpose.- The little brown-haired girl purses her lip guiltily. But before she leaves, she catches the eyes watching her. Rose smiles. Jennie winks at her and quickly moves away from the table so as not to test her patience, listening to Sana's curses, who is quietly grumbling something.

Jennie remembers noticing the look in those eyes when she showed up at training. The way her roommate smiled when she was cheeky with Sana. Jennie was sure that she was smiling at her: it did not hide from her how she looked at her from the stands.

The girl also remembers how nervous the blonde was when she looked into those eyes, looking at her face. The pupils were so small, and the iris was so bright and... Jennie smiles, remembering this. Remembering how she made her roommate feel embarrassed by this.

She has no doubt that she made the right decision not to hit her when Rose pushed her onto the nightstand. She could have hit her back, but still the idea of sleeping with this girl outweighed the desire to hit her. She will make the blonde pay even more attention to herself. She will get what she wants from her, and only then she will take revenge on her.

Somehow Jisoo noticed that Jennie seemed to be used to the fact that everyone didn't like her and expected threats from everyone. Jennie never had intimate conversations and didn't open up to anyone, not even Jisoo. She then did not tell the brunette that she was wrong.

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