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Jennie managed to negotiate with the coach to participate in the game as little as possible. It is advisable that she always sits as a reserve player. He couldn't get her to play anyway, but she tried to be as polite as possible when she tried to tell Jungkook that she hadn't come here for sports.

-Do you want me to arrange for you to be on our team?

The girl was startled by Eunchae's voice. She saw out of the corner of her eye that she was approaching, but she was completely focused on Rose: the blonde was thoughtfully examining the girls who were lining up for a warm-up. Jennie wondered what decision her roommate would make, given her injury. She wonders what role volleyball plays in Rose's life?

-No, I asked not to participate in this.- Jennie replies, with only a fleeting glance at the girl.

-It's a pity. I'm sure you would have brought victory to our team.

-Well, considering that the tallest and, as I understand it, the strongest players are in Sana's team, I don't think I would help you. It's actually weird. It's not interesting when the opponent is weak.

-Well, we're not exactly weak.

-Have you ever won?


Jennie chuckles and squints, watching Rose and Jungkook, who are talking about something.

-You're so small, but judging by your figure, you're athletic. Maybe you could bring victory to our team.

-Listen.- Jennie turns to Eunchae.- My figure looks like this only because I keep fit and don't eat a lot, but it has nothing to do with sports for a long time. Go.

She was probably harsh, but she doesn't regret it. She is glad that Eunchae is finally leaving her.

Jennie is sure that Rose was not going to play volleyball, she would have preferred to sit on the podium. But after Sana's words that Rose most likely doesn't even know how to play, her roommate changed her mind. She can see it in her changed face. Kim chuckles, noticing how angry the girl is. Whether she's angry because of Sana's words, or because she's forced to play, but obviously she doesn't like it when her abilities are doubted. Jennie could use this next time at the relay, but she won't do it, because deep down she cares about the injury that the girl was getting. Jennie wonders how much she cares about it and if it's even a concern. She rarely thought about anyone but herself, but she would not like to become the culprit of someone's serious physical injuries. Yes, she cares about that, not Rose.

-Okay, girls.- Jungkook raises his hand in the air, calling for silence.- We have new players, so now there will be three reserve players, not one. Gaeul, you wanted to sit in the stands, so now your place will be there. Girls.- He turns to Jennie.- This doesn't mean that you will not take part in the game at all. I can't force you, but nevertheless, I insist that you take part at least sometimes. Rose was a leader and setter at her school, so now she will have the same role. Leeseo, you will then stand on the second line, on defense. It's a warm-up now. 

Jennie chuckles at this information.

The setter often acts as the captain of the team, this is not surprising. Also, the role of the setter, leader and strategist is very responsible, which means that Rose would not have achieved this at school just for her good looks or, as here, for lack of better candidates. Jennie was a libero, only such a role would suit her with her short stature. Although football was always given more attention at her school, nevertheless, volleyball was also important. The best girls went either there or did cheerleading. Jennie spent a lot of effort to get into the team — at first she was a reserve player, and then firmly took the role of the main defender. She played well with the girl who was the setter at school.

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