FIFTY ONE | I love you

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"Find them Leo!" I yelled as my anger was starting to reach its breaking point

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"Find them Leo!" I yelled as my anger was starting to reach its breaking point.

"I'm working on it Lorenzo but I need you to back off and give me space to work. It's gonna take me a minute" Leo yelled back at me.

"Fuck! I know I know I'm sorry Leo. It's just, they are out there. Planning whatever they are planning and I just want to make sure she's safe" I said in frustration.

"Why don't you go take a break and check on her?" He suggested partly because he is annoyed with me and partly because checking on her will calm me down.

I just nodded and left the room. I knew he was right.

It was late and I knew she'd be asleep but I just needed to see her. I needed to make sure she was okay. Safe and sound asleep in her bed.

As I walked in quietly, careful not to wake her or Luca up. I noticed Luca sitting in the window looking at the sky.

"Lu what are you doing awake it's like 2 am?" I asked quietly as I set down across from him.

"I just can't sleep" he said as he continued staring out the window.

"C'mon Lu don't lie to me. What's going on?" I asked knowing he was lying to me.

I lie awake for hours

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I lie awake for hours. Tossing and turning not sure how to get these thoughts out of my head.

Her screams just replaying in my head. Over and over and over again. It's driving me crazy not knowing what she went through in that room with them. But I can't push her to talk.

I'm too lost in thought I don't even realize Enzo came in the room.

God what's wrong with me? I'm too caught up in myself I didn't even fucking hear someone come in.

"Lu what are you doing awake it's like 2 am?" He asked quietly as continue looking out the window.

"I just can't sleep" I said as I avoided his gaze hoping he wouldn't catch onto my lie.

"C'mon Lu don't lie to me. What's going on?" He asked.


No getting out of talking now.

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