NINE | Laughter

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I woke up on the couch. I guess I fell asleep on the couch with Aria and Elio.

Wait where is Aria?

My mind began to race. I grabbed my phone to check the time and text me brothers but they had already texted me.

|6:00 am|

Family Chat
Sandro: guys I went to wake up Lorenzo and this is what I came in to...

Family ChatSandro: guys I went to wake up Lorenzo and this is what I came in to

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Elio: AWWWWWW😍😍😍

Leo: Don't wake them up! We were up pretty late with them

Me: he stole her from me 😤

Sandro: actually after you texted me, we came up and you guys were asleep so Leo and I went to get food and she woke up. So Lorenzo brought her to the kitchen so she could eat.

Me: Oh..well at least she ate

Elio: awww is someone grumpy cuz his sister likes to sleep with her other brothers and not just him🥺

Me: shut it faccia di cazzo (fuck face)

Elio: jeez someone woke up on the wrong side of bed

I threw my phone on to the couch and got up to make some breakfast and hopefully get to the gym. I haven't gone since she got back.

I still need to bring up to my brothers about the gun I found in Aris room.

Why did she have a gun

Why did she have a gun

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