THREE | Brothers

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We stepped onto the plan, I felt my hands begin to shake as i sat in my seat. Sandro noticed my anxiety and came to sit next to me, cautiously putting his hand on my hand. I didn't move my hand away I let him keep his hand on mine.

It was weirdly comforting

I felt the plane, or should I say jet, begin to take off. I grab onto Sandros hand tightly and squeezed my eyes shut.


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Aria gripped on to my hand as the plane took off. Her eyes shut tight. I shot a glance to Lorenzo.

As the plane leveled out in the air she began to open her eyes and release her grip on my hand. I didn't mind holding her hand. I've missed her so much. I was 13 when she was kidnapped. I've missed so much of her life and she's missed so much of our lives. Who ever took her from us will pay for this.

I snapped out of my thought snd looked over to Aria who was looking out the window. I looked over to Lorenzo who was watching Aria like a hawk, as if she would disappear in front of his eyes. I cleared my throat to get his attention "Fratello, ora è sicuro. Non devi guardarla così attentamente" (Brother, she's safe now. You don't have to watch her so carefully) He shot me a glare and responded, keeping his eyes on her "Lo so, ma non posso perdedla di nuovo" (I know but I can't lose her again) I looked at Aria and looked back at him "non la perderemo più" ( we won't lose her again) Lorenzo shot me a quick soft smile and went back to watching her.

I haven't seen Lorenzo smile since she was kidnapped. It's nice to see him smiling.

ARIAS POVI stared out the window of the jet watching the clouds go by

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I stared out the window of the jet watching the clouds go by. I was lost in thought, their words playing over in my head. Why would they lose me again? How was I lost in the first place?

"Have you ever been to Italy before Tesoro?"
"Aria hello?"
I was quickly pulled from my thoughts as Lorenzo was now in front of me looking at me. Concern laced all over his face. "S-sorry what did you say?" I slightly smiled trying to calm his nerves. "I was just wondering if you have ever been to Italy before?" Lorenzo spoke quietly as if he were scared if he spoke to loudly I'd disappear. I shook my head no "I've never traveled anywhere before" He nodded then went back to his seat.

The pilot spoke over head "we will be there in a few minutes"

I looked at Sandro who was also looking at me. He gave me a soft smile then held my hand. I looked at him confused then as the jet began to land I shut my eyes tight and held onto Sandros hand tightly. I understand why he held my hand now.

I waited to stand until Lorenzo and Sandro were standing. As we walked out of the plane I stopped in awe of the beauty of Italy. Lorenzo smiled back at me before continuing to walk to the black SUV while Sandro laughed a little looking back at me " Come on Tesoro, let's get you home" I smiled back at him and ran to catch up.


I sat in the black SUV looking out the window admiring the beautiful scenery. A few minutes later we arrived at a gorgeous mansion with gates surrounding the perimeter and guards by the gates.

The guards opened the gate and waved at Lorenzo as we passed through the gate. We parked in front of the gorgeous mansion. Sandro and Lorenze sat outside my door waiting for me to get out. Once I got out we made our way to the front door.

The large dark oak doors opened wide. Inside were 2 more muscular men and 1 man who looked a lot like me.

As we made our way in, I stood silently looking at the 3 men in front of me. Lorenzo on my right side and Sandro on my left. I looked at the man who looked a lot like me and muttered under my breathe "Elio?" Lorenzo looked at me shocked and I looked back at him confused.

"D-did you just say my name?!" The man who looked a lot like me stared at me with tears glossing over his eyes. His eyes a dark hazelnut brown eyes just like mine, with brown almost black hair. He had freckles scattered along his face just like me. He was a male version of myself.

I felt a wetness on my cheek and realized I had started crying. I ran into Elio's arms giving him the biggest hug of my life. "My sweet Tesoro I've missed you so much" we cried together as we hugged.

After a while I looked at the man next to Elio and he looked so familiar but I couldn't quiet figure it out. He had hazel eyes with thick short brown hair. His eyes filled with tears. I may not have remembered his name but I remember him. I hugged him tightly.

I then looked next to him and there was a tall muscular man with deep brown eyes. His hair was black and styled nicely. I didn't remember his name either but his hug was all too familiar.

I then turned around to see Sandro and Lorenzo crying. I went up to both of them and hugged them tightly.

Lorenzo cleared his throat whipping his tears from his cheeks "Aurelio will you show Aria to her room please" Elio nodded and went to grab my hand. That was until I flinched. I drew my hand back and looked away. As if I was waiting to be hit. Elio looked so hurt. "I-I'm s-sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he backed away and put his hand down. I looked back at him and he had began to cry. "N-no no it's okay it's not you I p-promise. Will you still show me to my room?" I reached my hand out waiting for him to grab my hand.

He wiped his tears and grabbed my hand to show me my room.


Hello Lovlies, I truly hope you all are enjoying the book so far. Let me know how you guys are liking the book. Feedback is always welcome

<3 lemonlimonnade

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