FORTY EIGHT | Here Goes Nothing

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"Lorenzo she should have stayed in the hospital!" Leo yelled at me, as most of the family stood behind him in agreeance

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"Lorenzo she should have stayed in the hospital!" Leo yelled at me, as most of the family stood behind him in agreeance.

"Leo I get it you're worried about her, but what she needs isn't a hospital bed reminding her of what she went throught the last few days. She needs her bed, her room, her family. And it was my call to make. You and Rafael are here to keep an eye on her. She is safer here with everyone rather than being alone in the hospital. So my choice is final, no more arguements about it." I said sternly as everyone kept silent.

"Now that that is out of the way everyone get to bed, you can all spend time with Aria tomorrow but it's been a long day for everyone." I said as I walked up to Arias room to check on her.

I knocked softly on her door, waiting for her to tell me to come in. After a few moments of no answer I carefully opened the door to see her fast asleep, holding on to her stuffed bear Ello.

"Sleep good Princepessa" I said softly as I kissed her forehead.

I headed back to my room to hopefully get some sleep in my own bed.

"Hey Enzo can I come in" What sounded like Leo said from behind my door.

"Yeah come in" I replied knowing he is either coming in to yell at me some more or to check my wounds. Probably the first option.

"Come to yell at me some more?" I asked with an unamoused look as he sat at the edge of my bed.

"No, As her brother I know you did the right thing, but the doctor in me just worries about her wounds." He said as he lifted up my shirt, removing the bandage.

"I know Leo, but we both know she will heal better here with everyone around her than being stuck in a hospital room." I said as he took off my bandages.

"I know just" he paused.

"What Leo?"

"What did you see in that room Enzo, what happened to her?" He asked with a fearful look in his eyes.

I lowered my head not wanting to remember seeing her like that. I shook my head, hoping he won't press on.

He sighed as he rebandaged my stomach.

"Sorry I asked Enzo" He said as he sat up to leave.

"Her screams Leo, they haunt me. I haven't slept, I can't close my eyes because all I see is the fear in her eyes." I said quietly.

"Enzo come follow me" Leo said as he opened my door.

"Why are we going to Arias room, I already checked on her before I came in here." I asked confused.

"So did I, before I came to your room. But there is something I want you to see." He said with a light smile as he opened the door to her room.

Shocked to see Luca, Marcello and Elio all in her bed with her fast asleep. While Marco, Xavier, Gianni and Giovanni were all asleep on the floor around her bed.

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