NINETEEN | Dead Man Screaming

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After leaving Mars room I ran back to my room to grab the joggers I stole from Enzo. I quickly and carefully put the joggers on, sliding carefully past my newly dressed wounds. I sat down and patiently waited for Luca to come in. I was so excited to spend some time with him and talk. I want to talk more about what happened this morning. I want him to know how thankful I am for him.

After I few minutes I hear a soft knock on my door. I let out a quiet 'come in'. He came in and his cheeks instantly flushed a slight red color.

God he is so cute when he blushes.

No stop don't think about that, your brothers would kill you if you fell for their best friend. Well they wouldn't kill me they would kill him.

"Come sit down Luca" I said as I smiled softly. He walked over and sat down next to me on the bed. We sat in a comfortable silence until he broke it.

"Can we talk about this morning?" He asked quietly. "I know you talked to Leo about it but I feel like that wasn't the whole truth." He stated again.

I looked down, I knew he deserved the truth. I felt a soft hand caress the side of my cheek. Luca lifted my head so I was now looking at him. "You can talk to me amore, I'll never judge you or think of you any differently." He said softly as the pad of his thumb brushed back and forth on my cheek.

What if he thinks there is something wrong with me?

What if he gets mad at me or thinks im disgusting?

What if he wants nothing to do with me or wants me to leave him alone?

"hey what's going on in that pretty head of yours?" He said softly as he snapped me out of my thoughts.

"S-sorry" I explained. "it's alright amore mia what were you thinking about?" he asked softly.

"Just the thoughts inside my head can be so dark sometimes. I can't see anything other than darkness. I get so angry and sad and I take it out on myself. I feel like everything is my fault." I explained as tears threatened to fall.

"sweetheart how could any of this be your fault?" he asks softly "just coming in to their lives, to your life. Everything has changed for you and my brothers. I just feel bad for coming in and everyone having to take care of me and help me. I just feel so weak I just-" I was cut off.

Luca got up from the bed, now standing at the edge of the bed. " Ri you are stronger than me! Not just physically but mentally. I may be a good shot with a gun but compared to the strength you have I've got nothing. You have been through so fucking much. All of which was out of your control. You have had the short end of the stick your whole life and it's time for you to have the better end now. You have people to help you now. You have your brothers. You have me."......" Look I know we have so much to catch up on but you are so fucking important to me. I swear to you, you are no burden. You are not weak. You are not ruining anything. If anything you have made all of our lives better amore." He says softly in a sweet tone.

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