FORTY NINE | Truth Comes Out

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As I walked into the office, my brothers stood there with worry on their faces

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As I walked into the office, my brothers stood there with worry on their faces.

They are going to be so mad. I should have just told them the first time they ever contacted me.

"Before I say what I need to say I need you all to sit down" I said with a shaky breath.

"Princepessa whats going on?" Enzo asked with a soft worried look on his face.

"Just sit please" I pleaded.

They all sat in silence as I stare at the ground trying to find my voice. Trying to find how I am going to tell my brothers that the ones who shot Enzo, the ones that tortured me for years, the ones that trapped me in a room a few days ago have been contacting me. For weeks. Basically since they bought me a phone. And I've kept it hidden this whole time.

"Aria you're worrying us, what's going on?" Mars voice broke me from my thoughts.

"Before I tell you, please don't be mad at me" I pleaded with tears in my eyes.

I feel like I'm back in that room, pleading for him to get off of me.

"There's nothing you could do to cause us to be mad at you Ari, please tell us whats going on" Enzo soothed.

"U-um the Morelli twins" I paused taking a deep breath. "T-they've been texting me, for a f-few weeks. T-they tol-"

"What?!" Enzo said in an angry yet quiet tone.

"They told me if I told anyone they would kill Elio. I-I didn't know what else to do. I-I'm sorry" I cried as my breathing quickened.

"Aria give me you're phone" Enzo said sternly.

I handed him my phone with my head down as more tears rolled down my cheeks.

I could feel my body shutting down. I know I messed up and I messed up bad.

Oh god they are going to give me to them arent they. Im too much of a problem for them to deal with.

I should have just kept my mouth shut.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me as I felt my legs give out.

"P-please don't send me back there. Please dont give me to them. I'll be better I-I promise." I cried out as someone held me in their arms.

"Princess what are you talking about? I would never send you back there Aria. Never." Enzo soothed as I realized it was his arms around me.

"b-but I didn't tell y-" I was cut off.

"Aria look at me" Sandro cupped his hands around my face. I looked into his pleading eyes.

"This is not you're fault. None of it. They scared you away from telling us. You knew what they were capable of and they knew you'd listen. We aren't mad at you Star." Sandro spoke softly.

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