TWENTY TWO | Torture

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I woke up on Lucas chest, his arms wrapped around my waist holding me tight. I feel so safe with him.

I tried not to move too much as not to wake him. I placed my hand on his chest and then I remembered what I had done. A bright red blush spread across my face as I recall touching his abs with my tongue. The expression on his face. That he said I was hot as I left the room.

"Good morning amore" a deep sleepy voice said.

I looked up to see Luca looking down at me. His eyes still slightly hooded.

"Good morning bel ragazzo" I said smiling up at him. My face still red from blush.

"What's got that pretty face all flustered hmm?" He asked as he smirked at me.

"Absolutely none of your business" I said as I stuck my tongue out and looked away.

"Oh the things I'd love for you to do to me with that tongue" he said under his breath. My face got redder and with that I ran to the bathroom.

If he continued to mess with me the blushing would only get worse and I don't want to boost his ego.

I fixed my hair and brushed my teeth and by now the redness had subsided. I walked back out into the room to see Luca watching my every move.

"What are you staring at pretty boy?" I asked smiling.

"You. You're absolutely gorgeous" he said as he blushed a little.

"Grazie" I said as I went over to the bed and kissed him softly. The kiss only lasted a few seconds but the touch of his lips lingered on.

"I'm gonna go find my brothers are you coming?" I asked smiling slightly hoping he'd say yes.

"of course love let's go find them" he said as he got up and followed me down to the living room.


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"Ugh when the hell are they gonna get up I miss my sister" I said annoyed. I wanted to go to the gym with my sister and they have been sleeping for hours. It's 3 pm now and the day is almost gone.

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