Stomach Bug - All of Them x Reader (Poly)

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{Started on Monday, added onto everyday when up for it}I'm starting this off because I am sick as shit at the second and the closest appointment I can get is tomorrow morning so... Might as well take the time that I'm not throwing up and write something about it.

Your POV:

I woke up in a bundle of limbs as usual. My five boyfriends and I shared a king-sized bed. The thought made me smile as I sat up, earning five whines of protest, making me giggle. I slid out of bed and headed downstairs for a bit of a snack.

The pit of my stomach felt a bit weighted, but I just passed it off as just one of my usual IBS symptoms that'd go away like usual. Shrugging slightly, I ate an apple before tossing it in the garbage bin and heading back to the bedroom. On the way there, though, I started to feel a bit dizzy and lightheaded, but I brushed it off as my body just wanting me to go back to sleep.

Liam, the lightest sleeper of my boyfriends was waiting for me, looking at me with a tired smile. "Li-Li, go back to sleep," I whispered dazedly, trying to crawl over to lay between said boy and Harry, who was also a light sleeper. I guess the green eyed boy awoke to the sudden movements because he rolled over to grab his phone underneath his pillow, checking the time. "Kitten, what're you doing up so early? It's just past seven," He mumbled, sliding his phone back underneath the pillow and sitting up.

"I just went to have a quick snack, boys," I said crawling to lie between them, "I'm back and need some Lirry cuddles," I playfully pouted, making the two chuckle before laying down with me. Liam spooned me from behind while Harry snuggled up to my chest. I turned my head to face Liam, "Night-night, Li," I whispered, making him smile before leaning down and kissing my lips. "Goodnight, Y/n," He whispered. Harry moved up so the two could share a goodnight kiss, muttering a soft "Goodnight," to one another before pulling away. Harry turned to me, kissing my lips, "Goodnight, Kitten," He mumbled before diving down to nuzzle his face into my stomach for cuddles, making me wince.

Ignoring the elevated pressure in my stomach, I closed my eyes, waiting for sleep to take over, but that never happened. My stomach kept me awake and some brief cramps stabbed through my lower abdomen, making me feel a bit worse. I also took note that the dizzy, lightheaded feeling in my head had not gone away. Then, my stomach began to turn left and right, but it kinda lulled me to sleep off and on, but each time my stomach pulled to shift, it woke me up for a couple seconds before I fell back to sleep.

When I woke up fully, though, the symptoms were still there and had slightly worsened. I winced as I sat up, seeing that it was just me and Zayn, who was still sleeping. Feeling weak and just wanting to be held, I dragged my body across the mattress to Zayn. The boy was lying on his stomach, so I pinched his side, knowing that shaking him awake wouldn't work.

Zayn flinched and propped his head up to look around at whoever pinched him. His eyes landed on me and he gave me a dirty look. "'M sorry. Don't feel good and wanted to cuddle you but I knew you wouldn't wake up to just grabbing your arm," I mumbled, rubbing the place where I pinched with my hand. The glare in his eyes softened as soon as I mentioned I felt sick. "C'mere, Angel," He said, shifting to lay on his side and pull me into his chest.

"What doesn't feel good, baby?" He softly cooed, stroking my hair. "Feel a bit nauseous and my tummy feels feels weird," I explained softly, making him awe and kiss my temple. "I'm sorry," He whispered, "Do you think you're hungry or is it something IBS related?" He asked, making me shrug. "I'm not sure, I've never felt like this before, I don't think," I mumbled unsurely, "'m lightheaded and a bit dizzy, too," I finished, making him pout and kiss my forehead. "Get some rest and maybe you'll feel better when you eat something when Liam rips me from the bed. You're not going anywhere unless I'm forced up," He chuckled, making me giggle weakly. "Thanks, Zay-Zay," I murmured. "No problem, love," He whispered, pressing another kiss to my temple.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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