Chapter 122: Familiarity or Not I [A Devil's Stone Arc]

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Meanwhile, with the Pink Devil, the Man and Diara, they all 3 stood in a building watching Asa from above spying on her trying to memorize her route outside of school as it is now Asa is sitting at a local cafe with 3 of her friends and they watched on the other side on a building.

Pink Devil: Damn, the War Devil sure picked a great vessel and she is alive too...

Diara: I got no idea how this case happened, but Asa is such a young girl and having to put with a devil in her is just too much.

Diara sighs.

???: Isn't it crazy how the War Devil was in Adumfor before, fighting someone few months ago?

Pink Devil: You could say it.

The Pink Devil pulled her phone out to check something.

???: I suppose from what Maestro told me about the War Devil, her name is Yoru, interestingly enough the reasons are interesting for it. Also she took possession of Asa after being defeated and weakened at the North Side of Japan by a group of devil hunters and one of them was the Chainsaw Man.

Diara: Interesting background she has, yet why possess a kid?

???: Well you know a "dead body" taken over by a devil does equal to a fiend and by what Maestro said, she only took half of the brain of that young girl so these two sorta share the body. Yet it could be that maybe it is just more then just half a brain and rather a body share and we can split them cause they are different souls with Diara's Soul Blade.

The man looks at Asa who is staring at something or someone as the man follows down the direction, he sees Tatsumaki and what looked like her sister Fubuki.

???: Oh no, this ain't good.

Diara: What?

Pink Devil: What are you-?

As the Man points down the two realise what he meant by that, but wondered why are the two sisters here?

As Tatsumaki and Fubuki gone their way, before the trio could notice Asa was gone and her tab was payed.

Diara: Yoru must've taken control at this very moment. Let's go!

As the trio makes their way through the roof of buildings, 15 minutes pass as Fubuki and Tatsumaki arrive at a quiet street in Japan and notice it is so abandoned in this area.

Fubuki: This is the place the Prime Minister was talking about sis?

Tatsumaki: Yeah, I mean sure we are here due to Bulgaria's heroes being too busy, but shame we did not get selected to deal with the War Devil.

Fubuki: I mean, he said himself, he found 2 people he can trust for it.

Fubuki sighs.

Fubuki: Either way, if we were to encounter a devil we need to defeat it right away.

Fubuki pulls a Poker Queen Card and looks around, she then sighs and throws it as a figure was hit by it on the cheek leaving a cut on the cheek and the card is gone as both Fubuki and Tatsumaki turn around to see a teenage girl holding a sword that looked very strong and made out of the bones of a human.

Fubuki: The War Devil!

Fubuki backed away dodging a sharp as something that sounded like bones breaking apart and falling down.

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