Make things right

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AN: Let me know if there's anything wrong that I've missed fixing, it's been a while since I've written so it's not my best work but enjoy :)


Standing outside of Pedri's house was a risk at this very moment, but it was a risk you had to take in order to maintain the friendship. You have to talk to him about the things that went down at his house a few days ago, when he and his girlfriend invited you for dinner to congratulate you on your new job.

Pedri wasn't able to come to your party, so he made this dinner to make up for it. There was no way he wasn't going to when it came to you.

You both have been best friends since knee height; some say that you even belonged together in a romantic way.

You would've hoped it was true; Pedri was your other half in your eyes. You always thought he felt the same way, until he met his girlfriend.

They have been together for a few months now, and you were truly happy he had found someone, even though it wasn't you. But you couldn't help but notice how awfully she was treating him. You kept quiet about it for months, until that dinner came around.

You gave her chances to prove herself without even letting her know, you wanted to see if she really loved him, and you really hoped you were wrong, but she would prove your point every time. She's a toxic person, as simple as that, and you couldn't let it slide this time.

During dinner, she completely disregarded Pedri while talking crap about him, acting as he's invisible. She complained and talked about how he needed to do this and that to make her proud and happy, and that she's never satisfied with anything he buys her or gives her.

In her mind it sounded like a funny joke, and think you'd find it funny too, but you didn't, and Pedri didn't either, but of course he was too stubborn to admit it.

When she went to the bathroom, you spit it all out, telling him how toxic she is, and in just that moment, you let your mouth run like water, telling him how he should be treated and that you can treat him better and love him more than she ever can.

That made you both go silent. You weren't meant to admit that, especially not in that moment.

You had never seen Pedri so uncomfortable and shocked, and of course his girlfriend had to walk in hearing all that.

You remember the atmosphere feeling cold. You felt nauseous and like you were about to throw up from the awkwardness.

That night ended with you apologizing quickly and leaving without saying another word.

So now, just a few days later, you've shown up without letting him know, and you hope to be able to talk to him and be able to put it past you. You'd rather be unhappy and keep him in your life than lose him.

You knocked, knowing he was home at this hour, but praying his girlfriend wouldn't open because she was probably pissed with what happened.

You stood there for a moment, taking deep breaths and drying your hands on your clothes to stop the sweat. It was a warm day in Barcelona today.

Pedri was standing on the other side of that door, contemplating whether or not to open the door for you. This wasn't easy for him. You had ruined his relationship, but at the same time he got to know that you like him more than a friend, something he never thought would happen.

Although you held a special place in his heart, he couldn't just pretend like everything was okay. He has a girlfriend, and you didn't think about the damage it would cause admitting your feelings out in the open.

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