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You were on your way over to Pedri's house; the two of you had planned on spending the day together, so you would meet up with him there after his training.

You knocked on the front door, expecting him to open the door for you, but you were instead met by his brother Fer, and you instantly saw his red eyes that were full of tears and hurt.

You stood there, shocked, in silence. "Hi Y/N," he wiped his tears, trying to be discrete so you wouldn't notice anything, but obviously it wasn't working. "Pedri is on his way; come in," he signaled for you to come in.

You quietly took a step inside and looked at Fer with worry. He was like a brother to you, and seeing him like this and feeling the need to hide his feelings made you feel bad for him.

"Are you ok, Fer?"

"Yeah, I'm all good." He nodded, trying his best to compose himself, but he was cleverly struggling and lying.

"You know you can talk to me, right?" You looked at him, trying to make eye contact with him to let him know he could trust you with anything.

He looked at you with more tears running down his cheeks. "She cheated on me," his voice broke. Your heart ached in pain for him, and you quickly pulled him into a hug.

You didn't know who Fer's girlfriend was, but Pedri had told you that he was seeing someone and that he was happy. You never expected that it would turn out this way for him.

"Let's sit outside and get some fresh air." You leaned back from the hug and led him to the garden.

You both took a seat on the loungeset that was outside. You faced him and wiped his tears. "Do you want to talk about it?" You asked him.

"There's not much to say," he shrugged. "She just confessed," he sniffled. He could feel more tears threatening to fall.

"Come here," you said, pulling him into a hug , which he quickly melted into. "I need you to know that this isn't your fault, ok? You're going to find someone who will love you unconditionally and who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. You are more than enough, and you will be okay again, I promise you."

Meanwhile, this was happening; Pedri had come home. He found it odd that no one was inside or home; he saw Fer's car outside and your shoes, so the house couldn't be empty.

He was about to head upstairs, but his tracks stopped when he saw you and Fer hugging outside in the garden. This quickly concerned him, and bad thoughts were running around his head.

"Are you going to tell them?" You asked, referring to his family, as you leaned back and cupped his face to remove his tears.

"They need to know," Fer said.

Pedri watched and heard the interaction, and he felt sick to his stomach.

"Whenever you're ready," he heard you say and seeing you holding his brother's hands. Pedri didn't know what to think, but from what he just saw, he was not happy about it.

He ran upstairs and shut the door to his room. "I think Pedri is home," Fer said after hearing footsteps from inside.

"I'll go check," you said before standing up.

You walked up the stairs, and Pedri's door was closed, which was unusual; he would always keep it open. You casually walked towards it and opened the door, only to see him take out his clothes from his training bag, angry.

"Hi Pepi, how are you?" You walked in and closed the door behind you. He didn't answer you; he kept being angry and frustrated.

"Pedri, what's wrong?"

"My brother? Really?" He asked as he looked at you with anger.

"What?" You asked, confused.

"Stop acting innocent; I saw you hugging and holding hands. What's wrong with you?" He almost shouted

You gasped in shock. "No, Pedri, it's not what you think." You walked up to him to take his hand, but he pushed it away and stepped back.

"You were all over him!"

"Pedri, this is all a misunderstanding."

"I saw you!"

"His girlfriend just cheated on him, okay! I was just comforting him!" You snapped

Pedri looked at you, shocked. You had covered your mouth with your hand, also shocked at what you had just said. You weren't supposed to say anything.

"She what!?" He asked, still shocked.

You removed your hand from your mouth and sighed. "She cheated on him," you repeated. "I came here before you, and he had been crying. I was just trying to comfort him. You've misunderstood it all."

He was silent for a few seconds, trying to process what you had just told him. "Do you really think I would do that to you, Pedri?" You quietly asked, feeling hurt.

He looked at you; he knew you would never do anything to hurt him, and hearing you ask him that made him feel very guilty. "No, amor, I'm sorry." He walked over to you and held your hands in his. You looked at him, and you could tell he was feeling guilty.

"I just jumped to conclusions; I'm sorry," he said, pulling you into a hug. You hugged him back, just glad that things didn't escalate more than it had to.

"You can't tell him I told you, Pepi, he wants to tell you on his own." You leaned back and looked at him.

Pedri cupped your face and placed a kiss on your lips before he nodded. "Thank you for being there for him." You replied with a smile and hugged him.

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