Missing you

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💙❤️: Publishing this imagine way earlier than I usually do, but I'm busy with studies at uni the whole day so I won't have time later. Hope you like it :)



The last month of the season was always the busiest for Pedri. There were many away games, and that meant a lot of traveling and many days without you.

He hated being away from you; your relationship was fairly new, and he was craving you every day and wanting to just be with you whenever he could. It was easy for him to miss you, and of course you felt the same about him.

Neither of you had ever felt this way for someone else before. You both were obsessed with each other, and there was no reason to hide it either; everyone knows how much you love each other.

You were currently on your way back from the job you were working at; it was a part-time job, and you were also studying, so you had your hands full.

You had a missed FaceTime call from Pedri, so as soon as you took a seat in your car, you placed your phone on the holder and called him back, excited to see him and talk to him. It was the highlight of your day.

"Hola, pretty girl," Pedri said as soon as your face appeared on his screen.

You chuckled at his silliness and looked at the screen to greet him, "Hola, Pepi."

"I miss you," you heard him say. Despite focusing on your driving, you still managed to look at him on the screen, and you could tell that he looked bored and mostly tired.

"I miss you too, so much."

"Are you still going to that work trip?" He asked curiously, hoping you had changed your mind or it was miraculously cancelled so he could spend the week with you.

"I'm sorry, Pedri, I can't cancel it," you pouted, knowing he was upset about it even if he didn't really show it.

"It's ok, I understand," he sent you a weak smile.

"Are you ready for the game?" You asked, changing the subject.

"I guess," he shrugged, "I just want to come home; it feels like forever since I left." You saw him lay down in bed with his phone pointing towards his face.

"It's just today left, and tomorrow you'll be back home," you said, hoping your optimism would cheer him up.

"It won't be the same without you," he whined.

You chuckled as you parked your car outside your house. You grabbed the phone and looked at him through the screen, saying, "It's just a few more days, baby; you'll be fine. And make sure to rest, you're always overworking yourself."

He looked at you and smiled, not knowing what else to say. He just loves how much you care for him even if he's nowhere near you.

"You look beautiful."

You rolled your eyes at his sudden change of topic, and you managed to hide your blushed face as you got out of the car. "Is my girl shy now?" He teased you.

Imagines | Pedri GonzálezOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora