Drunk Pedri

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Pedri wasn't much of a drinker, but today he had a pretty good reason to get drunk, and he did not hold back.

As predicted, Barcelona finally won the league after an exciting match against Espanyol. Obviously, they couldn't celebrate it properly because of where they were, so on their way back, they spent the whole night celebrating in the bus, up until it was time for the parade.

You were out there with Pedri's brother and parents; there was no way you were going to miss the celebrations.

You had only been able to text him to congratulate him because, of course, he was busy having fun, but you were excited to see him at the parade, even if it would be for just a few seconds.

You and Fer were standing on a rock to be able to see better; the bus was on its way, and people were cheering loud every second.

When the bus was a few meters away from you, everyone started waving towards them. You saw both Ferran and Pedri looking over at you and Fer, they were both waving to you.

You waved back, blowing a kiss to Pedri, letting him know how proud you are of him. He blew you a kiss back and kept smiling. Ansu, Balde, and Gavi all spotted you and Fer too, and they all waved excitedly; you could tell they had all had a drink or two because they were very hyper.

After the bus passed, you decided to head home. You had been tired of standing outside for hours and waiting, but it was definitely worth it. You knew Pedri was going to take a long time before he came home too, so you spent the time making some food and watching TV.


Hours passed, and it was almost past midnight. You were ready to go to bed and lay down, hoping Pedri would come home soon. But all of a sudden, your phone lit up; he was calling you. You quickly picked up.

"Hola, Pepi."

"Y/N, I miss youuuuu," he slurred through the phone.

You broke into laughter; you had never heard him this drunk before, and it was very entertaining. "I miss you too, mi amor; where are you?" you asked him.

"Celebrating...I'm tired," he yawned.

"Want me to come pick you up?" You asked him.

"Mhm," he mumbled, clearly too tired from talking, which was understandable.

"Do you think you can send me the address? I'll be there as fast as I can," you told him as you started to get out of bed to head to the car.

"Ok, te amooo," he kept slurring, causing you to smile wide. You loved how he was still affectionate and cute when drunk.

"Te amo màs," you replied with a smile before hanging up.

You put on a cardigan and drove straight to the address that Pedri had sent you. It seemed that they had been at one of the boys house, celebrating and drinking a lot. The place wasn't too far; you had arrived in just a few minutes.

You pulled up at the car park and went out of your car, only to see Pedri standing outside with Gavi and Eric. "Finally, take him away from us," Gavi said dramatically. You laughed and approached the three boys,

"Y/N!" Pedri's face lit up when he saw you; your heart melted and you pulled him into a hug, which he desperately wanted.

"I've never seen him this drunk," Eric said as he looked at Pedri in disbelief. You laughed at his comment and pulled away from the hug, "Let's go home, ok?"

Pedri smiled and nodded, saying goodbye to Eric and Gavi, as you did too. You then took a hold of Pedri and led him to your car. He was struggling to walk, but you managed to take him over safely.

"You're so pretty," he said, looking at you while you tried to put his seatbelt on him. You blushed at his comment and placed a quick kiss on his cheek. "And you are so handsome, Pedri," you complimented him back, causing him to smile wide. You then went to your seat and started the car, ready to go home.

After a lot of drunk talking from Pedri and how the celebrations went, you arrived home. You took him inside, up to your shared bedroom. It was a bit of a challenge walking up the stairs because he wasn't very cooperative, but you still managed.

You placed him on the bed, and he immediately laid down on his back. Poor one was so tired, he couldn't keep his eyes open.

You quickly grabbed a comfortable outfit for him to sleep in and walked over to him. "Come on, Pedri, you need to get changed." You pulled him up from the bed.

He instantly felt the tiredness in his bones, and his head was spinning. "Hold onto me," you told him. He did as you said and put his hands on your shoulders to keep himself from falling.

You carefully pulled his shirt up and his shorts down, which he had been wearing the whole day. You slipped the t-shirt you got from his wardrobe over his head, and then you managed to help him get in his shorts on too.

"There we go, all done," you smiled. He was ready to go to bed, but you dragged him towards the bathroom.

"Y/N, I want to sleeeep," he whined tiredly.

"I know, my love, but you need to brush your teeth first," you told him. He quickly gave in and let you help him with it.

"Sit," you told him, knowing he probably didn't have the energy to stand up anymore. He sat down on the toilet seat while you grabbed his electric toothbrush and put toothpaste on it. "Open your mouth," you told him.

He did what you asked and opened his mouth to let you brush his teeth for him. He sent you a sheepish grin as you kept brushing his teeth. "Spit it out." You pulled him up from his seat. You washed the toothbrush, and then let him spit out the toothpaste.

"Gracias," he said, looking at you with a smile as you wiped the water off his lips with his towel.

"Ready to go to sleep now?" You smiled back at him.

"Kiss first," he said, pointing at his lips eagerly.

You chuckled, leaning in and placing a kiss on his lips. You felt him smile against your lips and he suddenly hugged you tight. You hugged him back, giving him another kiss on the lips, which he appreciated.

"Now we can sleep," he said. You smiled at him as you took his hand and walked over to your shared bed.

As soon as you both went under the covers, he rolled onto your chest while you were lying on your back. You wrapped your arms around him, knowing he loved to be cuddled up in bed.

"Thank you for looking after me," he whispered.

"You don't have to thank me, mi campeón," you said, placing a kiss on top of his head and feeling him pull closer to you, both of you were soon sleeping peacefully.

Imagines | Pedri GonzálezOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz