Helping you

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💙❤️AN: I haven't had time to proofread yet, let me know if there are any errors🫶

Requested by: masepain


Pedri came into your apartment, finding you asleep on the sofa with what looked like a biology book covering your face. He stood there looking at the sight, noticing a bunch of papers and half empty  food boxes all over the place.

You had been busy with exams the whole month, and you still had a few left to study for. It was all you did; morning and night, you would find yourself studying. It had gotten to the point where you would fall asleep anywhere at any time; in this case, you fell asleep on the couch again, and it was barely nighttime yet.

Pedri knew you had exams, and he would do his best to help you and just be there for support, sometimes just watching you study. It would be peaceful for him.

But there were also moments where he would get worried, like right now. Seeing you tired, not eating proper food, or just not taking mental breaks from it all hurt him to see you this way.

He debated whether or not to wake you; he didn't know for how long you had slept; he also thought it'd be best if you took a long nap; but he also knew that you would kill him if he didn't wake you up so you could study and not waste time on anything else.

He made the decision to just wake you up. He kneeled down in front of you and carefully removed the book from your face. He had to keep in his laugh when he found you still sleeping under the book.

He put the book away and carefully caressed your cheek to wake you up. "Amor, wake up," he whispered as he looked at you adoringly.

"Hmm," you mumbled, turning to your side without opening your eyes. He chuckled and tried again. "Bebè, wakey wakey," he playfully whispered in your ear.

Your eyes fluttered open; you were surprised to see Pedri here, thinking he was still in training. "Pepi, you're here?" You slowly sat up as you rubbed your eyes.

He smiled at how cute you looked waking up. He sat up next to you and brushed your hair away from your face with his hands. "You're tired, hmm?" He asked.

"No," you shook your head, "it was just a quick nap." You shrugged, denying how exhausted you actually were.

"Let's go out for a walk; you need some fresh air," he suggested, knowing you had spent the whole day inside your apartment without moving from the couch.

"I can't, Pedri; I need to study." You yawned as you looked around at the mess you had made.

"You've already studied for hours; a 30-minute walk will do good for you," he said as he pressed a kiss on the side of your head.

"I'm going to fail so badly," you sighed as you felt anxious thinking about the exam.

"Come here, Amor," he said as he pulled you close to him. He leaned back and relaxed his legs on the couch. You sat between his legs and leaned back, your back resting against his chest.

"You've been working hard nonstop, mi amor; you're not going to fail. You haven't failed a single exam," he said, trying to be optimistic for you.

"There's a first time for everything," you said, quickly sounding negative.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Y/N. You're exhausted and need to go for a walk. Please, Amor, I'm worried about you." Pedri's soft tone had you nodding even though, deep down, you didn't feel like it would be the right choice.

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