Meeting his family

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Pedri had picked you up from your apartment. Today was the day you would meet his family, and deep down you were excited because this assured you that your relationship with Pedri was only going to be stronger, and the fact that he loves you and trusts you enough to let you meet his family means a lot to you.

But you also couldn't help but feel a bit nervous; after all, you know Pedri is soft for his family, they mean everything to him, and you would hate it if you had a bad first impression and it didn't go your way.

"We're here," Pedri said, parking the car outside his family's house. You felt yourself daydreaming, not hearing him the first time.

"Amor," he placed his hand on your shoulder, this time grabbing your attention.

You looked at him and weakly smiled. You felt more nervous now than before. "It's going to be ok; don't be nervous," he gave you a soft smile.

"Yeah," you chuckled nervously, not able to say much due to the millions of thoughts running through your head.

You both got out of the car. "My parents can't wait to meet you," he said to you as he started to lead you down to the front door.

"I can't wait to meet them either," you smiled as you felt his warm hand clasp over your cold one and the feeling of his thumb brushing over the back of your hand in a way to calm you down.

"Wait, Pedri," you stopped him before he could ring the doorbell. He looked at you with concern.

"What if they don't like me?" you asked. Your voice was small, and you sounded scared; you just needed extra reassurance.

"They're going to love you, mi amor. If I love you, they will love you too," he said before placing a loving kiss on top of your head.

You let Pedri ring the doorbell, and you let out a deep breath as you both waited for the door to open. As you looked down at your feet, still hand in hand with Pedri, you heard the door open.

You looked up and felt Pedri's hand slip away from yours when he hugged his mom. You smiled at the sight. Before you could do anything else, Pedri's mom batted her son away so she could give you a friendly hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Hola hermosa, it's so nice to meet you," she said as she gave you a hug. "It's nice to meet you too," you smiled at her as you leaned back from the hug.

"I'm Rosy," she smiled sweetly and gave your hand a small clap before letting you go greet Pedri's father.

His dad was quick to take his wife's spot, gripped your hand tightly to shake it, and leaned in to give you a friendly kiss on the cheek as well. "I'm Fernando." He smiled at you. You replied with a soft repetition of your own name back to him.

"It's so nice to meet both of you," you said once his dad let go of your hand. They both smiled at you before Pedri walked over to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. "My brother is here too," your boyfriend smiled.

You looked over and saw his older brother approaching; Pedri had talked a lot about him, and it was nice for you to finally see him too. "Hi, I'm Y/N," you reached out your hand.

"Oh, I know, Pedri can't shut his mouth about you," he laughed as he shook your hand, causing you and his parents to laugh too. Pedri rolled his eyes at the teasing. "I'm Fernando, but just call me Fer," he smiled.

"Come on, dinner is ready." Rosy guided you and Pedri inside as his dad closed the front door behind you.

You followed Rosy to where the table was set, and Pedri made sure to sit next to you, just in case you would get nervous and he would be there calming you down. He knows his parents can be too much and ask questions.

When the food was on the plate and you all started eating, you knew his parents would ask a lot of questions regarding the relationship, and so far you felt pretty good about it all. The greeting went great, and as long as you were calm and relaxed, things would be ok.

"So, Y/N, Pedri said you just moved to Spain?" Rosy asked, intrigued.

"Yes, it's almost been a year, but I've been here many times on vacation before, so it's not all new to me," you looked at her with a smile.

"Where is the best place in Spain that you've been to so far?" Pedri's dad asked before taking a sip of his water.

"Oh, that's hard to answer," you giggled. "I've been to Sevilla, Barcelona, and Madrid," you rambled up the cities.

"Oh no, we don't like Madrid," Fer shook his head, causing the table to laugh.

"Totally understandable," you chuckled.

"So you haven't been to Tenerife?" Rosy asked.  You knew they are from there, and she was of course intrigued if you had been there.

"No, actually, but I've heard so many things about it, and Pedri has shown me beautiful pictures," you told her.

"Don't worry, mamà; I'll take her there one day," Pedri smiled and assured his mom. You took a quick glance at Pedri and smiled.

After everyone finished eating and after a lot of fun conversations about Pedri as a kid, you helped Rosy take the plates to the kitchen, even if she told you that you didn't have to.

"So Y/N," his mother began and started to scrape remaining foods from the plate into the trash can. "Pedri is very lucky to have you," she smiled at you.

You could feel your cheeks heat up at the compliment; it meant a lot to you that his mother saw you that way. You know it's important for her that Pedri has someone by his side who loves him and supports him, and you for sure will always make sure he is loved.

"I'm very lucky to have him too," you smiled back at her. The smile on Rosy's face didn't disappear once. The two of you kept talking about all sorts of stuff, making you feel like you were already part of their family.

Meanwhile, that was going on, Pedri was sitting in the living room with his dad and big brother. He felt relieved that things had gone according to plan and that everyone was happy. Himself included.

"You have found a good one, son," his dad patted his back. Pedri couldn't find the words to say anything back; he was just too happy and had a wide smile on his face.

"Make sure you don't let her go," his dad said.

"Yeah, don't fuck things up; she beat you on COD; I need her on my team," Fer warned his younger brother.

"Don't worry about it, I won't let go of her ever," Pedri smiled as he looked over at you and his mom laughing at whatever she had said to you.

Everything was just perfect.


💙❤️AN: Hope you guys liked this one!! Please don't forget to check out my new Pedri and Gavi book, it would mean a lot 🫶

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