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Let's gooooo ~~~

We are so near to 1K !!!!!DJFHDHDFGFHDHDHDCSFSHKDG!!!



Jungkook woke up with a mild headache . Probably because of how muvh he cried last night . Last night.....all those memories came rushing back to him . He quickly jumped out of bed and ran out of his room . He was still in his bunny printed pjs as he ran into the living room.

His father was there reading a newspaper while his mother was drinking tea . They both looked at him worried . " What's wrong son ? Why do you look so worried ?", his father asked concerned. Jungkook breathed out a sigh of relief . His parents were fine .

He should tell his parents about what happened last night . They would help him . "Mom ...Dad ?", jungkook looked at them nervously . Both of them gave him reassuring smiles . This made jungkook feel at ease . He knew he could tell his parents anything .

"What is it son ?" , asked his father .

"Well... last night did you both hear something ? " , jungkook asked not knowing how to frame the sentences .

Both of his parents looked at each other , rather embarressed . His mother's face was red . His father looked away , pretending to read the newspaper . How did jungkook know his was pretending ? Well....he was holding it upside down .

His mother fake coughed and looked at jungkook sternly ," Jungkook , there is no need to be this cheeky in the morning . Go and freshen up . I don't want to here you talking about this again ."

"But mom - what did i-", jungkook was cut short by his father . " If you don't let this topic go , I'll do the same with you once you are married ", his mother warned . His father didn't look up from the newspaper but jungkook could make out that his ears were red.

Jungkook gulped and just started to walk back into his room . Why didn't his parents listen to him ? He pouted , feeling angry that his parents scolded him for no reason at all . He went back into his room and got ready for college .

He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled and then looked at cookie who was sitting on the bed against the pillows . He walked towards it and sat down . " Cookie....mom and dad didn't even listen to once . Why were they so embarressed ? ", he pouted . Suddenly his eyes landed on the clock . He was late !!

He placed a quick peck on Cookie and rushed down stairs . He heard his mom scolding his father . "Yahh!! I told you to go slow ! My poor innocent son had to suffer because of you !", Mrs.Jeon said angrily . "But weren't you the one who said to go fas-", Mr.Jeon was cut off by his wife's glare .

" She was the one who was moaning . Why is she blaming me ?", jungkook's father mumbled . But both Mrs.Jeon and unfortunately jungkook heard it . He got a hard smack on his head . " Yahh!!Shut up !!", his mom scolded ,being embarressed .

Jungkook on the other hand wanted the ground to swallow him whole . Why didn't he become deaf before hearing this?! So his parents were - even the thought of it made jungkook feel disgusted . Don't blame him , no kid would like to know that his parents did - you know what .

His cheeks were flushed , embarressed that he had over heard such a conversation . He walked downstairs , avoiding his parents eyes . Grabbing a sandwitch , he quickly made his way towards the door .

"Yahh!! Where are you going without eating ? " , his mother shouted ."I'll eat it on the way ! Byee!", jungkook said and quickly ran away before his mother could catch him . "This brat !"



Jungkook stuffed the last bite of sandwitch in his mouth as he walked towards the college. His thoughts were filled with the bloody letter and those picture . Who could have done that ? The person came to his house last night but he couldn't even muster up the cougrage to confront him , he felt like a coward .

He tried to think of any clue that the stalker left . Maybe he left some at jimin's house ? But he had broken into jungkook's house right . Wait...........it suddenly clicked .

The lock wasn't broken . So how did the person enter the house ? A wave of dread crept onto jungkook as he tried to think of the possibilities . Did he come through the window ?

No , that couldn't be the case . Jungkook always keeps the windows locked aftef he first received the letter . Then how?

Could it be possibly that the person had a spare key to his house ?! Jungkook shook his head . N-no , he was just overthinking it . The person couldn't possibily have a spare key right ? The thought of it was enough to send shivers down jungkook's spine .

While thinking all of this , jungkook didn't realise when he reached his college . As jungkook entered the college , he was met with yugyeom who was standing right there as if waiting for someone .

He smiled at jungkook and walked towards him . Jungkook smiled and greeted him , " Hey Yugy! Who are you waiting for ?"

"Well I was waiting for you actually ", yugy said , nervously . Jungkook looked at him confused . Why was he waiting for him ? "For me ?"

"Yah.....I j-just.....well....i-i was just wanting to t-tell you s-somthing ", the poor boy shuttered causing jungkook to look at him worriedly . "What happened yugy ? Is everything alright ?"

Yugyeom took a deep breath and looked straight into jungkook's eyes .














"Jungkook , I really like you !"


That was boring....but I'll make a good 1k special so make sure to be waiting for it .

Byeeeee cuties •♡•

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