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Let's get started guys !


"Hey Jungkook , these are my friends Jimin , Namjoon and Yoongi . Guys this is Jungkook and his friend Jin." Taehyung said with his boxy smile . All of the boys looked at the 2 newcomers and greeted them . 

Jimin cooed looking at Jungkook's cute smile ," Aww..you're cute jungkookie ! Just like little bunny ." A faint red tint spread across Jungkook's cheeks..... he wasn't used to so much attention . Taehyung smiled at this. " Hey Jungkook and Jin, I'm Namjoon . It's nice to meet you ."

Jin internally screamed...his name sounded so good from him . Jungkook who guessed what Jin was thinking couldn't help but shake his head . "That's yoongi , he usually doesn't speak much , but he's actually a softie ." 

Yoongi was was busy munching on his nuggets looked up and rolled his eyes . After properly chewing and savouring the dish, he said taehyung ," I don't speak while eating bish. I love my sleep and food . "

"Those are the only things keeping you sane yoongles ." His 3 friends said in union . Yoongi grumbled and turned back to eating , not before passing a small ' Hi ' to Jin and Jungkook. Jungkook smiled , he surely resembeled a cat , a cute grumpy cat . 

Rest of the lunch the boys talked and got to know each others interests and hobbies . Turns out Taehyung love puzzel solving and art , Jimin was a fan of video games , Namjoon loved reading and Yoongi.....well his hobby was eat-sleep-repeat .

•••Time skip•••

At the end of the day , Jungkook goes to his locker to get his hoodie . There he finds a letter in his locker saying "you are cute." Surprised and perplexed, he couldn't help but feel confusion creeping in. Could it be a prank? Jungkook's mind starts racing with questions as he tries to figure out who could have left the note. 

He looks around discreetly, trying to catch any suspicious glances or knowing smiles, but nothing stands out. With a skeptical look, he crumples up the note and tosses it into the trash, not wanting to entertain any false compliments or potential teasing. 

Jungkook shrugs it off, focusing on his day ahead and not letting mysterious notes distract him .

While walking home after bidding goodbye to Jin, Taehyung, and his new friends, Jungkook couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. It was quite chilly, not just the weather but also his instinct was telling him that someone was watching him. 

Goosebumps prickled on his skin as he quickened his pace, casting nervous glances over his shoulder. Every rustle of the leaves and distant footsteps sent a shiver down his spine. Jungkook's heart pounded in his chest as he finally reached his doorstep, relieved to be safely indoors away from the mysterious gaze that seemed to follow him.

Jungkook makes himself comfortable at his home, shrugging off the uneasy feeling he had earlier. He heads to the kitchen, grabs something to eat, and settles down to start with the boring maths homework his teacher gave him. 

The familiar surroundings of his cozy space help him focus . Jungkook's phone dings and he sees a few messages from his parents asking about his well-being. They live on the other side of town and he smiles seeing the messages. 

But there is also a message from an unknown number, piquing his curiosity. Wondering who it could be, Jungkook opens the message to find the words -

𝘏𝘦𝘺 𝘉𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘺, 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘥𝘢𝘺 ?

Feeling confused and a little uneasy, Jungkook can't shake off the unsettling feeling creeping up on him. Who could this mysterious sender be, and why did they call him bunny? 

Jungkook's mind races with questions as he contemplates whether to respond or ignore this unexpected intrusion into his privacy. He decides to ignore the message , it was probabaly a wrong number.

After a while , Jungkook sits down to eat his dinner, the familiar faces of his parents lighting up his phone screen on FaceTime. A smile brightens his face as he listens to their voices, feeling the warmth of their presence despite the miles between them. 

After a while, he finishes his meal and bids them goodnight, feeling content and happy. As he drifts off to sleep, his dreams are filled with images of his favorite hero, Iron Man. Jungkook peacefully dreaming about Iron Man, about having a picnic with him and eating carrots. He is peacefully sleeping, looking cute like a baby as he snuggled with his bunny plushie.



Jungkook wakes up, rubbing his eyes cutely and says good morning to his bunny plushie named Cookie. Only then he realizes that he is an hour late for college and quickly stumbles out of his comfy bed. 

His heart racing, he rushes through his morning routine, throwing on clothes haphazardly and grabbing his backpack on his way out the door. As he sprints towards college , he curses himself for oversleeping yet again. But even in his rush, he can't help but smile thinking about Cookie waiting for him back home, a silent supporter in his chaotic mornings.

Jungkook reaches college, only to bump into Soobin and Yugyeom. He greets them warmly, though they're not very close, they are still friends. Little does Jungkook know, Yugyeom has a secret crush on him. 

As they exchange pleasantries, Yugyeom steals glances at Jungkook, his hidden feelings stirring within him. Soobin notices the subtle tension between them but brushes it off, unaware of the unspoken emotions in the air. 

Jungkook, oblivious to Yugyeom's affection, smiles brightly as they catch up , soon Jin also comes up to him. After talking to them, Jungkook leaves with Jin to his next class, as he already missed his first one.


That's it for today. I hope you like it . Pls support and vote for my story •♡•

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